In a letter to the French, Macron promises “strong” answers on “insecurity, impunity”

Emmanuel Macron continues to be involved in the legislative campaign. The president thus took up his pen to write to the French a letter published Sunday evening in the regional daily press, one week before the first round.

In his text, he claims to have “heard that you want this to change”. Above all, he takes the opportunity to outline some perspectives for after July 7. And even though his camp finds itself in difficulty in the polls, he swears to “act until May 2027”, thus defeating the idea put forward by some of his adversaries, Marine Le Pen in the lead, that he be forced to resign in the event of defeat.

Macron says he measures “the democratic malaise”

Among his promises are “much stronger and firmer responses” to “insecurity and impunity”. “The next government will have to overhaul childhood policy, better protect our young people and fight more strongly against all discrimination,” he also pleads, noting the “strong demand for social justice”.

Above all, by saying he measures “the democratic malaise”, the head of state admits that “the way of governing must change profoundly”. An observation widely shared by his flock, starting with Gabriel Attal, convinced of being able to defy the predictions in a political landscape strongly polarized around three offers: that of the National Rally and its right-wing allies, credited with 35% to 36% of the voting intentions according to weekend surveys; that of the New Popular Front (27% to 29.5%); and the Macronist camp, lagging behind (19.5 to 22%).

Attal wants to keep Matignon

Leader of his camp, while Emmanuel Macron shows a sharp decline in popularity, Gabriel Attal expects from this election “additional legitimization” which would strengthen him in his position as Prime Minister. An advantage that he intends to exploit through a change “in the practice of power”, he assured on the set of the RTL/M6/Le Figaro Grand Jury. “The message that was sent to us” with the Europeans “is also obviously that in the method, in governance, we must do better (…) by seeking coalitions with the French, with civil society,” said he detailed.

Echoing this, and while his troops are multiplying their outstretched hands on the right and left, Emmanuel Macron says he wants a government which “will bring together republicans of diverse sensibilities who will have known through their courage to oppose the extremes”. “Today the coalition is not an option, it is an obligation to preserve the France that we love,” insisted the outgoing President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.



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