The Quimper of Nicolas Quéau, the general secretary of the CGT railway workers of Cornouaille

The Quimper of Nicolas Quéau, the general secretary of the CGT railway workers of Cornouaille
The Quimper of Nicolas Quéau, the general secretary of the CGT railway workers of Cornouaille


Matthieu Gain

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 11:20 a.m.

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“I am one of the last ready to strike to support a company in difficulty. » Nicolas Quéau44, is a man of convictions from a family of railway workers.

Train controller on the TGV lines, he lives in Quimper (Finistère). For a year and a half, Nicolas Quéau has been the general secretary of the CGT cheminots de Cornouaille. This union claims “63 active members”.

My restaurant: L’Îlot Flavor

The restaurant L’Îlot savor, 23 avenue de la gare in Quimper. ©Matthieu GAIN

This restaurant is located opposite the train station. I have been seeing him for ten years. Personally and with union colleagues. The boss is very nice. We are well received and we eat very well there.

Mon QG : l’Union locale CGT

The premises of the local CGT union are located on Allée Samuel Piriou in Quimper. ©Matthieu GAIN

This place is part of my life. It should be remembered that we can receive employees in difficulty there. Whether they are CGT union members or not. For this, we are available every Tuesday.

Videos: currently on -

My walk: Providence

The Cinéville cinema is located in the Providence district of Quimper. ©Matthieu GAIN

Even if I don’t have time to go see a film at the Cinéville, I enjoy walking around Providence. This area has been beautified and today it is a beautiful space.

My neighborhood: downtown

I live in the Paraclet high school area. So I walk to work. Every day, I cross the city center. It’s nice to see life in the streets.

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