Jeanfi Janssens, president of the Villeneuve-sur-Lot Laughter Festival, puts his life back on stage

Jeanfi Janssens, president of the Villeneuve-sur-Lot Laughter Festival, puts his life back on stage
Jeanfi Janssens, president of the Villeneuve-sur-Lot Laughter Festival, puts his life back on stage

Your new show “Fallen from the Sky” is once again autobiographical. Your life always inspires you…

There, I tell the story of my second life, in show business, a world for which I had no codes. And then, I tackle fifty, a theme that speaks to everyone, and obviously my family. This show is a cry of love to my parents.

After starring in a film…

Your new show “Fallen from the Sky” is once again autobiographical. Your life always inspires you…

There, I tell the story of my second life, in show business, a world for which I had no codes. And then, I tackle fifty, a theme that speaks to everyone, and obviously my family. This show is a cry of love to my parents.

After having acted in a film, in a play and on the radio, did you have any nervousness about going back on stage, or was it ultimately more comfortable to be alone in front of the audience?

A mix of both, I would say. When we perform a play, we are a group of friends, on whom we can rely if necessary. There, I show myself, with myself, in front of the public. My biggest anxiety was knowing if I was still expected on stage. If I was still in the spirit of the times and connected with people, even though I had radically changed my life. But what kept me from being disconnected was that I became successful at 40…I already had life experience. At 20, it wouldn’t have been the same.

After more than a hundred dates, has “Tombé du ciel” evolved on stage?

Yes. Especially since I reserved a part for improvisation, an exercise that I had put in place during the run-in in Paris and which I kept. This is a false intermission, during which I go down into the room to speak with people from the audience. A dialogue that I then use in the show.

When did you first hear about the Laughter Festival?

Years ago, when I myself did a lot of laughter springboards to make myself known. But I never had the opportunity to participate… And then, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, I know well. My former flight attendant at Air France had a residence here, where I came many times to spend vacations. Subsequently, I came back to see Roger Louret, whom I had met in Avignon.

As president of the festival, what advice would you give to the six candidates competing for the comedian competition?

Above all, do not compete with others. Everyone has a different world and their place. You have to keep in mind that what counts is not the opinion of the pros who judge you, but the people in the room. They are the ones who need to be made to laugh.

And you, what makes you laugh?

Everything I don’t know how to do. Black humor or the absurd.

Useful information

The Laughter Festival takes place from Tuesday June 25 to Saturday June 29, every evening. Prices: from 20 to 32 euros. Tuesday June 25, at 8:30 p.m., Vincent Seroussi, at the cultural center (free entry). Wednesday June 26, at 8:30 p.m., Carlos Flinnroi, partners evening, at the Georges-Leygues theater. Thursday June 27, start of the comedian competition, then at 8:30 p.m., Jeanfi Janssens, at the Georges-Leygues theater. Friday June 28, at 8:30 p.m., Laurie Peret, at the Georges-Leygues theater. Saturday June 29, at 8:30 p.m., Waly Dia, at the Georges-Leygues theater (full). Reservations via the site or on 05 53 40 49 49.



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