A multi-sport field including an athletics track accessible to all

A multi-sport field including an athletics track accessible to all
A multi-sport field including an athletics track accessible to all

Many actors and “financial gymnastics”, according to Mr. Bonnardel, were necessary to bring about, 20 years later, this project estimated at 7.3 million.


These infrastructures will be accessible to the sports community of Granby, and not only to the students of J.-H.

The soccer field could, for example, be used by the Cosmos, and the athletics track will allow the Adrénaline athletics club to benefit from the new facilities. Other athletes should also have access to it.

However, this remains to be clarified in an agreement between the City and the Val-des-Cerfs School Services Center — owner of the land — which is currently being drafted in order to configure the details of accessibility.

Let us specify that the City invested $700,000, and that the Government of Quebec, the main financier, injected 4.86 million. CSS Val-des-Cerfs has committed 1.74 million.



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