a drug network leader sentenced to 11 years in prison

a drug network leader sentenced to 11 years in prison
a drug network leader sentenced to 11 years in prison

Extradited in mid-April by Colombia, Ahcène Mabrouk, a 36-year-old from Marseille, was sentenced Thursday June 20 to 11 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 euros for his role as head, in 2018 and 2019, of a of the biggest narcotics networks in the northern districts of Marseille. He was arrested in October 2021 on the basis of an Interpol red notice in the tourist archipelago of San Andres but it is in “the most dangerous prison in Bogota” that he waited three years to be extradited to France, he told the court.

Tried for violating drug legislation as a repeat offender, Ahcène Mabrouk contests the nicknames “DSK” or “Le Gros” which, according to the conclusions of an investigation into trafficking in the city of Busserine, were those that the members of the network used to designate their “great manager”. “People call me Sami but never DSK”he said.

Twenty-one members of the network were convicted in May 2021 for trafficking that prosecutor Marion Luna described as very lucrative. In La Busserine, the only sales plan known as “La Pelouse” sold 20 to 30 kilos of cannabis resin, one kilo of cannabis herb and two kilos of cocaine per month, generating a daily turnover of nearly 10,000 euros. Analysis of encrypted phones and statements from co-defendants placed DSK “at the top of the pyramid”, according to the prosecutor. The traffic count sheets were sent daily to this pseudonym.

35,000 euros per month

“Ahcène Mabrouk is DSK, he is Le Gros and therefore he is the main traffic manager of Busserine”, concluded the prosecution which demanded ten years in prison and a fine of 100,000 euros. The prosecution relies in particular on the statement of one of his childhood friends who declared to the investigating judge: “You ask me who DSK is. It’s Mr. Ahcène.”

While disputing having directed this trafficking, he admitted “having done drugs, but in the past, alone with a small phone”which had given him “savings” and permit to finance “holidays” in South America, when investigators speak of a run. To Colombian police officers, he allegedly boasted of earning 35,000 euros per month when he was in Marseille. Since his return to France, he has been indicted in an assassination case committed on March 12, 2019 in the city of La Busserine. The victim was a drug banditry figure from a neighboring city who challenged him for leadership in trafficking, according to investigators, which he disputes. His lawyers had requested his release, believing that “the proof has not been provided that Ahcène Mabrouk and DSK are indeed the same person”.



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