200 people counted for a second demonstration “against the extreme right” in Roanne this Thursday, June 20

200 people counted for a second demonstration “against the extreme right” in Roanne this Thursday, June 20
200 people counted for a second demonstration “against the extreme right” in Roanne this Thursday, June 20

Participation in this gathering can be considered very low.

Certainly, the forecast weather did not really encourage demonstrations this Thursday evening, June 20, and those who did had the merit of braving the wind and rain during the official speeches. The attendance can still be considered very low for this second demonstration “against the extreme right” in Roanne, six days after the first, which brought together more people.

The pair Ismaël Stevenson – Émilie Pissaruk candidate for the New Popular Front

200 people participated in this parade taking the main pedestrian street of Roanne to the sub-prefecture. “It’s sad”, “it’s scary”, several of them easily recognized, disappointed by this reduced mobilization, which nevertheless took place in a very good-natured atmosphere.

If the meeting was set in front of the university center, very few young people were there. The flags of different unions and left-wing parties were there, as were Palestinian standards and a few “blue – white – red”, too.

A new demonstration with the same slogan will take place on Thursday June 27.

Brigitte Dumoulin wanted to be a substitute

Brigitte Dumoulin was at the demonstration this Thursday evening. This local PS figure had proposed forming a pair for the upcoming legislative elections, with Fabien Escoffier LFI candidate and her as substitute. This would have been more representative of the diversity of the left than a duo exclusively La France insoumise, and likely to reassure a moderate electorate. This choice was not made by the national authorities; the elected representative from Roanne, however, calls without restraint to “vote for the union of the left”.

Pierre-François Chetail



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