Legislative: what do they propose for our planet? – Public sense

Legislative: what do they propose for our planet? – Public sense
Legislative: what do they propose for our planet? – Public sense

It is one of the major absences from this lightning campaign of the legislative elections, ecology is clearly not the priority of the candidates. Faced with the agricultural crisis, the National Rally criticized a certain “punitive ecology” and an excess of standards. Restrictions that he intends to quickly remove if he gains power. THE Nouveau Front Populaire proposes, for its part, ecological planning and a wider deployment of renewable energies. An ecological policy which would be deepened and accelerated in view of that of the current government which is now suspended. In environmental and energy matters, the presidential party proposes to continue its efforts to decarbonize industry and to create eight new nuclear power plants, in addition to the six already planned. Proposals which should, according to the Renaissance party, make it possible to gain independence and sovereignty. What energy independence, thanks to nuclear power or renewable energies? What model for our agriculture? Should we relaunch the European Green Deal or slow it down? We debate it with Arnaud Gossé, lawyer specializing in environmental law, professor at Paris I, Marie Bellan, journalist in charge of the environment at Les Échos, and Sébastien Abis, associate researcher at Iris, specialist in agricultural and food.

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