Legislative 2024: “They contributed to trivializing the ideas of the National Rally”, denounces the president of the Lot Department

Legislative 2024: “They contributed to trivializing the ideas of the National Rally”, denounces the president of the Lot Department
Legislative 2024: “They contributed to trivializing the ideas of the National Rally”, denounces the president of the Lot Department

the essential
The president of the Department calls to vote for the two candidates of the New Popular Front, Elsa Bougeard and Christophe Proença. And accuses the presidential majority and the Republicans.

Following the dissolution of the National Assembly, voters are called to the polls on June 30 and July 7 to elect their deputies.
“The stakes of this election exceed, incommensurately, those of previous elections. The extreme right, that is to say the enemies of the Republic and democracy, can obtain the reins of the Government”, warns Serge Rigal, president of the Lot departmental council who calls “to vote for the candidates of the new Popular Front: Elsa Bougeard and Christophe Proença”.

“The presidential minority has remained deaf to the expectations and expression of popular France and workers”

According to him, the rise of the RN can be explained by political choices such as: “the establishment of retirement at 64 voted by MP Huguette Tiegna, the presidential minority remained deaf to the expectations and the expression of the Popular France and workers. The presidential camp and its occasional ally, the Les Républicains party, have contributed, for some, to trivializing the ideas of the National Rally rather than fighting them by adopting, for example, last December, the Immigration law. This law, voted by Huguette Tiegna and Aurélien Pradié, provided in particular for the establishment of the principle of national preference for the allocation of Personalized Autonomy Assistance to dependent elderly people,” he points out, calling for support the candidates of the New Popular Front with the ambition to “rebuild public schools and hospitals, support public services, finally make the ecological transition, restore the power of life to all through an increase in purchasing power or the return to a fair retirement system, to initiate fiscal justice by making high assets and high incomes contribute to the common effort, to encourage secularism and the resolute fight against all discrimination, and to support the Ukraine and peace on the European continent.



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