Florent Manaudou delivers an unexpected performance over 100m

Florent Manaudou delivers an unexpected performance over 100m
Florent Manaudou delivers an unexpected performance over 100m

Florent Manaudou has revived the superlative machine. “ Monster “, ” beast “, ” crazy talent “… This is what we heard, Tuesday morning, in the suddenly capsized stands of the Odyssey of Chartres. The Marseillais had just completed his 100m series in 47”90, only his third time under 48”, the first since… 2015! So obviously, he was jubilant: “ There, it still stings a little but it makes me happy to show that I’m still there over 100 m. I think I don’t do it very well. I go through the fifty a little too quickly and I really break down at the end. But at 33, I’m taking it! »

If Manaudou has seriously returned to the round trip, a distance that he has never really enjoyed, it is with the aim of joining the 4 x 100 m medley in Paris. Only problem, he repeats that he only has one 100m in his legs. “ We know thatlaughed Denis Auguin, the head coach of the Blues. If he could do 47”5 twice, that would be nice. We’re going to discuss it. It will also depend a lot on his state of form, his result out of 50. » Manaudou also withdrew from the final on Tuesday evening.



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