Legislative elections 2024. The faces of the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency of Lot

Legislative elections 2024. The faces of the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency of Lot
Legislative elections 2024. The faces of the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency of Lot


Marc Louison

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

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In this month of June 2024, Elsa Bougeard42, is embarking on his second campaign legislative elections after that of 2022, under the banner of New Popular Front*, on the 1D Lot constituency. Nursery school teacher Cahors and member of La France Insoumise, Elsa Bougeard is a former municipal councilor in the city of Cahors. Her substitute, Philippe Canceil, goes into politics. Not affiliated with a political party, this professor of physics and chemistry at the Luzech college who is completely in line with the approach of the Popular Front, is theformer mayor of Labastide-du-Vert.

A “precise, funded and financeable program”

The pair are launching into the very short legislative election campaign with enthusiasm and joy, with the ambition of leading a “positive and festive campaign”. “ We have proposals for a peaceful tomorrow. We have a historic opportunity with a united left and a program that breaks with the policies of the last 30 years. From July, our program will help change people’s lives” explains Elsa Bougeard, who expects “a campaign of caricatures and slander”. “We are already entitled to it. »

The New Popular Front has defined a program at the national level, available for several days already. The candidates recall the main points: blocking prices of essential goods in food, energy and fuel ; increase in wages (with the establishment of a fund to support artisans and small businesses); repeal of the pension reform and gradual return to retirement at 60; reconstruction of the public hospital and public school (hiring, increase in salaries, etc.); implementation of a climate plan aimed at carbon neutrality in 2050; repeal of “asylum and immigration” laws; fight against racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia; guarantee of a minimum and remunerative price for farmers and taxation of the super profits of agro-industrialists and large-scale retailers…

Philippe Canceil insists on this “clear, funded, financeable, written, precise program with an agenda”. “We must finally put human beings at the center of politics. It is not finance that should govern. It is our lives that depend on it, the lives of our children. What’s better than people who work, who have children, to understand people’s problems. » Elsa Bougeard adds: “This program provides concrete solutions to ease the lives of people, who are increasingly mistreated. This program is exciting! We have so many signs of hope. The activist dynamic is extraordinaryit is multiplied by 10 compared to 2022.”

Between now and the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday June 30, Elsa Bougeard, Philippe Canceil and their team will meet voters, will be present in the constituency’s markets (they will have a stand on the Gourdon market this Saturday June 22, 2024 ). A public meeting is planned for this Thursday, June 20 at 8:30 p.m. at the Bélaye village hall. A meeting on the Montcuq promenade is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26 from 7 p.m.

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A call for a real debate

Faced with the five other candidates registered in the first constituency of the Lot, Elsa Bougeard highlights the clear proposals of the New Popular Front. “Macron’s candidate, the French have seen the damage of the policy pursued. The outgoing deputy refused to tax the ultra-rich, he voted for the immigration law and even threatened the department’s elected officials. In the 7 years he has been a deputy, what has been improved in the lives of Lotois? The RN voted against blocking the prices of basic necessities, against a reestablishment of the ISF and has no response. »

The head of the New Popular Front list is calling for a real debate with the five other candidates in the running, in particular the outgoing deputy Aurélien Pradié. “In 2022, public television offered a debate. Aurélien Pradié refused. It is important that people make a choice and it is time for Mr. Pradié to assert his positions. Being the child of the country is not enough. »

* The New Popular Front is a coalition of the main left-wing political parties (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF) born following President Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly on June 9, 2024

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