the imam gives news “I know he is in…”

the imam gives news “I know he is in…”
the imam gives news “I know he is in…”

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko was not seen during the prayer of the Tabaski festival, celebrated mainly in Senegal on June 17, 2024. However, some of the Senegalese decided to celebrate this festival on June 16, 2024. Unlike other personalities politicians, religious leaders and other public figures who spoke or published messages on social networks to wish all Senegalese people a happy birthday, Ousmane Sonko remained discreet.

This absence has raised questions among the population. Some wonder why Ousmane Sonko chose to disappear and not appear publicly during the Tabaski prayer. Indeed, during the Korité festival two months and ten days ago, the newly appointed Prime Minister celebrated the festival with all simplicity by blending into the crowd of Muslim faithful on the esplanade of the great mosque of the Keur Gorgui city.

During this Tabaski of 2024, no message, no publication, no photo of Ousmane Sonko was broadcast on social networks. To answer these questions, Imam Khalifa Ababacar Donne, well informed of the activities of the Prime Minister, was questioned during a program on Sénégal7 on June 17, 2024. The imam reassured the Senegalese about the state of the Prime Minister and affirmed that Ousmane Sonko had fulfilled his Tabaski prayer. “All I can say about Ousmane Sonko is that he fulfilled his Tabaski prayer. I can’t say more, because the rest concerns his private life. »

The imam also specified that Ousmane Sonko is currently at his home in Dakar and that he performed the Tabaski prayer like everyone else. “I also know that Ousmane Sonko is at his home in Dakar and that he performed the Tabaski prayer like everyone else. This is certain information that I am giving you. » However, regarding the exact date of the prayer, the imam preferred not to disclose this information to preserve the Prime Minister’s privacy. “However, I cannot tell you if he performed his Tabaski prayer on the 16th or the 17th, because that concerns his private life. I won’t be able to say more on this subject. »




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