“Dissolution is a senseless decision”

Gilles Le Gendre, then president of the group La République en marche (now Renaissance) at the National Assembly, at the Palais-Bourbon, in Paris, March 3, 2020. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

Gilles Le Gendre, Macronist figure and Paris deputy for seven years, finds himself out of office. Renaissance, the presidential party, refused to invest in the 2e constituency of Paris, preferring someone close to the Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati. Even if he does not benefit from the label of his movement, he decided to run in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, de facto entering into dissidence.

To his eyes, the President of the Republic took a “unnecessary and dangerous risk” by dissolving the National Assembly on June 9, after the defeat of the presidential camp in the European elections. The former leader of the Macronist deputies fears that his political family will become “the minority of erasure”. He calls on his camp to give voting instructions on the evening of the first round to prevent the National Rally (RN) “to take control of our institutions”.

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Nine days after the announcement of the dissolution, what interpretation do you make of Emmanuel Macron’s choice to call early legislative elections?

It is a foolish decision, in that it makes no sense. I find no one either in the ranks of our majority or among the leaders of my party and even less among the voters, to meet whom I have returned for three days, who understands or approves of it. Now that it is taken, there is no point in discussing what we should or should not have done. There is fire. We have no right to neglect the slightest means of calming the flames. This new situation forces us to move forward and limit the damage.

How do you perceive the political recomposition resulting from this dissolution, particularly between the presidential camp, the New Popular Front and the RN?

It is more of a decomposition than a recomposition. The situation is so unstable, the political landscape so desolate, that any definitive prognosis would be risky. And while anything can happen, the worst is not certain. Having said that, my conviction is that the President of the Republic took the unnecessary and dangerous risk that the latent political crisis which has been damaging our country for years will become a proven crisis. In this case, we must fear that we will no longer be able to control the consequences, that the country’s fractures will fester and that public action will be paralyzed, and this, at a time when the French, through their vote, demand that it regain its effectiveness. This is what is at stake in this election.

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