We know when this Sea Festival, organized every 10 years in Cotentin, will take place.

We know when this Sea Festival, organized every 10 years in Cotentin, will take place.
We know when this Sea Festival, organized every 10 years in Cotentin, will take place.


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

Nov 11, 2024 at 2:56 p.m.

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The July 17, 2022the last Sea Festival had aroused the same traditional craze for this event whose rarity increases its weight. Next to 25,000 visitors had attended the blessing of around twenty fishing boats and almost 70 pleasure boatsin Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue (Manche).

With a budget of 110,000 eurosthe organizing committee had managed to finance the making almosta million flowers spread on land and at sea. Due to the health crisis, in 2020the event was however organized with two years late.

A choice made unanimously

Gathered in general meetingthe Monday November 4, 2024to the René-Mercier roomthe organizing association had therefore included a decisive point on its agenda: the choice of the year of the next blessing of the sea.

2030 to return to traditional ten-year cycle or 2032 to wait ten years? Unanimously, the committee decided for July 2030.

This means that we will organize preparatory meetings from 2027, in particular to define the seven districts and launch the making of flowers in the second half of 2028.

Philippe Dorey, chairman of the committee

“To learn lessons from the last edition, a reflection work will be hired. The principle of the blessing of the sea will remain the same, but its progress will have to evolve to capture the audience throughout the day. »

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After approval of its moral and financial reportthe association's office has appointed Father David Lerouge to the position of second vice presidentreplacing Father Tournerie.

A new 2nd vice-president

“He accepted with enthusiasm”, rejoiced Philippe Dorey “We are also looking for other motivated people to become district managers in 2030. They should not hesitate to contact me. »

From our correspondent Frédéric SENGES

Do you want to be a volunteer or district manager for the 2030 Sea Festival? Contact Philippe Dorey: 06 70 49 25 98.

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