The Villeneuve-Vallée du Lot tourist office unveils the new features for the summer season

The Villeneuve-Vallée du Lot tourist office unveils the new features for the summer season
The Villeneuve-Vallée du Lot tourist office unveils the new features for the summer season

It has been two years since Christophe Martin took charge of the Villeneuve-Vallée du Lot tourist office (OTVVL). Tuesday June 11, with his team, they brought together all the players in the sector, at the Lou Gaillot estate, in Casseneuil.

In the presence of Guillaume…

It has been two years since Christophe Martin took charge of the Villeneuve-Vallée du Lot tourist office (OTVVL). Tuesday June 11, with his team, they brought together all the players in the sector, at the Lou Gaillot estate, in Casseneuil.

In the presence of Guillaume Lepers, president of the Greater Villeneuvois Agglomeration, they presented the new products of the season. The first being the return of visits to the heart of the city. With the arrival of a new apprentice in the team, she will offer tours of the bastide, twice a week, on two different themes. And this from July.

Other visits in more atypical styles will also take place. Like those with the torch; Story-telling bastide, gourmet bastide or even story-book cruises. For those who like discovery in a fun way, a new Tèrra Aventura route is coming to the city center. It complements the three already present in the region.

In addition, a new summer information point will open its doors in Casseneuil. During high season it will be accessible two days a week. It also supports the tourist advances made in the city, with the development of the nautical center and the opening of its restaurant on the banks of the Lot.

The dynamics of river tourism

This year, the big change is the alliance between Villeneuvois and Fumélois offices. With the inauguration of the ferry in Fumel, collaboration becomes easier. 130 kilometers of waterway will be navigable, compared to 70 previously. This will allow, this summer, the arrival of the Gabarre fuméloise, twice a week, from Villeneuve-sur-Lot to Penne-d’Agenais.

The Tour de France will obviously be a great showcase for tourism. On July 11, a promotional film will be broadcast on all screens in Villeneuve-sur-Lot.

Finally, OTVVL focused on its communication. Particularly with the redesign of the website, but also the creation of a Facebook page common to the five Plus Beaux Villages de France in the region.



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