For the launch of a month of action with its various partners, the city of Laval (Mayenne) took advantage of the opening of an exhibition by Karine Fromentin, to announce all the events of the project “Intrafamily violence: let's talk about it ! »
In collaboration with citizens committed to women's rights, the programming of this month of events is part of an essential political will. The first act of delinquency in our city is that of intra-family crimes.
recalls Florian Bercault, the mayor of Laval. For the councilor, far from being news items
they must be supported by the community. We need support and for this we must support the citizens and the associations involved in these initiatives.
The meeting between Florence Froissard, a sculptor, and Aurélie Garabello, a woman involved in the associative sector, will make it possible to imagine a cultural program supported by the community.
A reading of testimonies from women victims of violence
If local associations work every day to support women victims of violence, this month of action is the result of collaborative work. Culture is a way to move forward on these subjects
underlines Marie-Laure Lemée Clavreul, education assistant, gender equality and fight against discrimination.
Several evenings will be scheduled at different locations in the city with artists. We will notably have the chance to welcome the author Lucile de Pesloüan to the Albert-Legendre library to talk about her latest work. Burn it all
declares Marie-Laure Lemée-Clavreul.
From a play to a contemporary dance performance or a reading of testimonies, the public will be invited to discuss and become aware of the road that remains to be covered.