Liberation: a journey for memory

Liberation: a journey for memory
Liberation: a journey for memory

Garennes-sur-Eure. A journey for memory…

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 80 e anniversary of the Liberation, the Agglo d’Évreux, Portes de Normandie (EPN) has highlighted a memorial journey called Historical Memories, which relates what happened during this period in 14 municipalities in the community territory.

Tribute to two men

Garennes-sur-Eure is one of the municipalities selected and the delegation of Historical Memoirs visited the municipality on Wednesday.

In Garennes, the story included in the memorial tour is that of two men killed during the war.

On September 3, 1943, Louis Chaplain, farmer, was a collateral victim of the conflict. “An Allied plane in distress was flying over the area and the pilot had to drop his bombs in a field, that of Louis Chaplain, who was killed while he was plowing”; says Jean-Pierre Gâtine, mayor of Garennes-sur-Eure and member of the farmer’s family.

Robert Lechevestrier, another farmer, was the second victim. On September 3, 1944, he heard a noise. Thinking he was dealing with a thief, he left his farm. He came across a German patrol, who, without warning, riddled him with bullets.

The story of the two men is recounted on the pediment of the Garennes town hall.



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