Legislative elections 2024: in Mayenne, the surprise candidacy of Vincent Saulnier (UDI) in the 1st constituency

Legislative elections 2024: in Mayenne, the surprise candidacy of Vincent Saulnier (UDI) in the 1st constituency
Legislative elections 2024: in Mayenne, the surprise candidacy of Vincent Saulnier (UDI) in the 1st constituency

We didn’t expect him to be a candidate, and even less so in the 1st district. The vice-president of the departmental council of Mayenne Vincent Saulnier, member of the UDI, is running in the legislative elections. The prefecture published this Sunday evening the list of 15 candidates for the next deputation (see below).

Vincent Saulnier is elected to Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne in the south of the department. He will face him, the outgoing socialist deputy Guillaume Garot who has always been elected since 2007 in this 1st constituency. This portends a duel between political heavyweights in Mayenne. Vincent Saulnier is close to the president of the departmental council Olivier Richefou, whose opponent Guillaume Garot was in the department between 2015 and 2021.

Behind the scenes, the center-right UDI party will have done everything to install one of its candidates in place of a member of the Renaissance presidential party. In this 1st constituency of Mayenne, the other candidates are: Paule Veyre de Soras (National Rally), Stéphanie Hibon-Arthuis (Nouvelle Énergie, the party of David Lisnard) and Fabrice Romier (Lutte Ouvrière).



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