Franche-Comté, particularly damaged by the First War
As the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs reminds us, Franche-Comté entered the First World War prematurely. One day before Germany declared war on France, on August 2, 1914, Corporal Jules-André Peugeot was killed during a clash with a patrol of German horsemen, in Joncherey, near Belfort. He was the first French death of the Great War. The region was also, in a way, the first to announce the end of the conflict: in November 1918, it was a Franc-Comtois native of Beaucourt, Sergeant Pierre Sellier, who sounded the first cease with his bugle. -the fire announcing the armistice. Between these two episodes, the region was particularly scarred by the conflict. Franche-Comté is in fact part of the so-called “grande levees” zones, according to the historian Philippe Boulanger, that is to say regions which contributed, more than others, to compulsory military service throughout the duration of the war.