Legislative. PS Bertrand Brassens will be the candidate of the united left in Compiègne-Crépy

Legislative. PS Bertrand Brassens will be the candidate of the united left in Compiègne-Crépy
Legislative. PS Bertrand Brassens will be the candidate of the united left in Compiègne-Crépy
Bertrand Brassens will be the candidate of the united left for the 5th constituency of Oise. Photo: Facebook Bertrand Brassens

“We can and must win this decisive election,” proclaims socialist Bertrand Brassens. The former general councilor of Compiègne south from 2001 to 2015 will represent the “left forces” in the legislative in the 5th district of Oise. That of Compiègne south, or Compiègne-Crépy.

“I welcome this large gathering while the risk is very great of having a National Rally majority in the National Assembly,” he comments. “With the support admitted or not (Pierre Vatin) of the Republicans,” he points out to the attention of LR Pierre Vatin. Although he expressed his disagreement with the idea of ​​an LR-RN alliance.

“I think I am the only one who can bring together in the second round all those who are, like me, attached to a concept of the Republic other than the RN.” He points out that he is a CFDT union member.

“Following an inversion…”

Initially, this common fight was to be led by the socialists in the northern Compiègne constituency with Florian Dumoulin. And by environmentalists on that of Compiègne south with Luc Blanchard. “Following a reversal whose cause escapes me, I will lead this fight and thank Luc for his support,” said Bertrand Brassens. He also thanks Place publique, “which led a remarkable European campaign with the socialists, with Claire Reboisson (PS) on the list”.

Claire Reboisson is a possible head of the list for the left in the municipal elections of Compiègne in 2026. In which Bertrand Brassens wants to play a role. We’re not there yet. First there is this early election, especially unexpected.

Bertrand Brassens often recalls his “feat of 95”, where he obtained “the only ballot since 1947 to date”, with 8 seats for the left on the municipal council of Compiègne. “I have as much energy as when I was 20, sometimes much more than the less motivated successor I am looking for,” he notes.



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