Federal 1 – The Swiss from Servette Genève conquered “the France” against Mauléon

Federal 1 – The Swiss from Servette Genève conquered “the France” against Mauléon
Federal 1 – The Swiss from Servette Genève conquered “the France” against Mauléon

In a clash of cultures, Servette Genève won the title of French champion ahead of Mauléon. The Swiss used their power to assume their Goliath costume.

There are plenty of reasons to make the trip to Agde once summer comes. A few weeks before the arrival of the Julyists in the seaside resort, the people of Hérault must still have been surprised to have to move slowly on the D612. A horde of supporters dressed in white with red scarves arrived, bringing forward the feria period. The whole of Soule mobilized, spending hours by bus or car to travel across France from west to east for this clash of cultures. Basque players play the role of Tom Thumb in this Federal 1 final. Almost exclusively local guys play there, many having only known one club. In the role of the big bad, Servette Genève. An address in Switzerland, a budget much higher than that of its opponent and elements from almost everywhere to make up the squad of an ambitious club. “Thugs, professionals”some Mauléon supporters will shout.

Servette Genève is crowned French Federal 1 champion after its 28-9 success against Mauléon ud83cudde8ud83cuddedud83cuddebud83cuddf7 pic.twitter.com/2kmJjigc2r

— RUGBYRAMA (@RugbyramaFR) https://twitter.com/RugbyramaFR/status/1802373130901471439?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Mauléon not at the party

This culture shock was also felt on the pitch. With each possession, the Mauléonais sought to seal the match. No wonder, the pack of forwards from Soule added several centimeters and above all a lot of kilos to that of the Swiss. To the pressure of the match was added that put on by the public who came in large numbers and made it known. Whether we are dressed in white or garnet, we contested each decision of the summary proceedings. The Genevans showed their power as soon as possible. While their two second lines are on the bench after two yellows, they managed to win a scrum in a first act to their advantage (16-3).

Once the quarters of oranges had been swallowed, it was the Basques who were the most enterprising. But at 9-16 against them, the pass from scrum half Mathias Brocal lobbed his opener. Panic on board. A few seconds later, the nine saw their kicking game blocked, Servette finished in the in-goal. 21-6 on the board at the hour mark, the Basques will not recover. We didn’t have our balls in touch and scrum. It quickly becomes complicated without that to suggest something”conceded Basque captain Léo Le Tiec. He will be left with the memory of a great collective adventure experienced with an assiduous audience: There was crazy fervor. I don’t think I will experience emotions like that again with the rugby cup. » He stopped talking. Emotions took over, impossible to articulate a single word.

Read also :
Federal 1 – Damien Jourdain (Servette Genève): “I am delighted to be able to hang up my crampons on a shield”

The wanderers of Geneva

When it was time to raise the shield of vice-champion of France, the Basques and their supporters present sang the tune of the “Festivals of Mauléon”, also taken up by the Swiss. In the post-match where this clash of cultures transformed into a union. The players exchanged shorts. On both sides, players and supporters alike, no one wanted to leave, prolonging to the end the pleasure of this sunny afternoon ending with a hops drink and songs. The powerful third row Steven Reinhard, medal around his neck, savors this title of champion of France acquired by… the Swiss. During the discussion, the technical manager in a civilian hotel put a few points on the I’s: “Everyone calls us mercenaries. People don’t know how hard it is for us. We are all pluriactive. In the evening, sometimes, we don’t have changing rooms, we change on the pitch in the middle of winter. Some evenings, at 5 p.m., we don’t know where we’re training because the football section won’t let us have the fields. We are wanderers, an atypical team. We went to get him with rage in our stomachs. » Swiss for the French, French for the Swiss. No matter, they wrote the history of rugby in both countries on a sunny afternoon in Agde.



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