The renovation of Bank Street has finally begun

The Bank Street reconstruction project, worth $50 million for its first phase, began this week. The work involves replacing water and sewer pipes, which will have consequences for motorists and businesses in the area.

After years of planning and several delays due in part to labor shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Ottawa is finally beginning this major $50 million construction project on the street Banksouth of the bridge Billings.

The renovated street will feature wider sidewalks, a raised bike path and more trees.

Bank”,”text”:”We’re just redoing the whole of Bank Street”}}”>We’re just redoing the whole street Bankexplains Senior Engineer, Municipal Construction and Design at the City of Ottawa, Roxanne Tubb. We will also replace traffic lights, street lighting and bus sheltersshe explains.

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Roxanne Tubb, Senior Engineer, Municipal Construction and Design at the City of Ottawa

Photo: Radio-Canada / Rebecca Zandbergen

The project has been planned since 2012, when the City undertook its first design plan for this busy road.

I hope the project will be successful, even if we have to endure inconveniences to get there.

A quote from Marty Carr, Alta Vista City Councilor

This is a monumental project, long awaitedreacts the municipal councilor of Alta Vista, Marty Carr. Glebe, the street takes on a completely different look. It is not friendly to pedestrians or cyclists.”,”text”:”As we see when we come from the Old Ottawa South and Glebe neighborhoods, the street takes on a completely different appearance. It is not pedestrian or cyclist friendly.”}}”>We see it when we come from the Old Ottawa South and Glebe, the street takes on a completely different appearance. It is not pedestrian or cyclist friendly.

The project was divided into two phases. The first, with a budget of $50 million and extending from the Rideau River to Avenue Collinstwo blocks past Heron Road, is expected to last at least three years.

Then, the City wishes to redevelop a second part of the street Bank between the avenues Collins And Ledburyjust north of South Keys. This phase is still in the design stage and is not expected to start for several years.

What work started this week?

This week, construction crews began tackling a short, 500-meter section of the street Bankwhich goes from the promenade Riverside west to Ohio Street.

There will only be two lanes of traffic, one in each direction. During rush hour, people will likely start to see traffic backing up to one side or the othersays Ms. Tubb.

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Alta Vista Ward Councilwoman Marty Carr

Photo: Radio-Canada / Rebecca Zandbergen

According to the City, the bulk of the underground work on this short section should be completed by the end of the year.

I expect the summer months to be a little slower for motorists traveling to and from downtownanticipates Mrs. Carr.

How far will the cycle path go?

When the cycle path is completed in Phase 1, it will extend from the bridge Billings at the avenue Collins, just south of Heron Road. After that, cyclists will be forced to return to the street Bank.

Billings itself”,”text”:”We are going to install bike lanes on the Billings Bridge itself”}}”>We will install cycle paths on the bridge Billings himselfdescribes Ms. Tubb. Billings. Likewise, when we arrive at the southern end of the avenue Collins, we will move cyclists onto the road.”,”text”:”So we will move from the bike path itself to the road at the Billings Bridge. Likewise, when we get to the south end of Collins Avenue, we will move cyclists onto the road.”}}”>We will therefore move from the cycle path itself to the road at the bridge Billings. Likewise, when we arrive at the southern end of the avenue Collinswe will move cyclists on the road.

Some local merchants are watching these changes with interest.

cyclists per day in both directions”,”text”:”I’ve been here about six years and looking out the window I see maybe 20 cyclists per day in both directions”}}”>I’ve been here about six years and looking out the window I see maybe 20 cyclists a day in both directionstell Spencer Ayresowner of First Fitness at 1408 street Bank. I hope this will encourage more cyclists and that this measure is not taken just to respond to current ridership.

Spencer Ayres in front of a building.

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Spencer Ayres, owner of First Fitness at 1408 Bank Street in Ottawa

Photo: Radio-Canada / Rebecca Zandbergen

mrs Tubb specifies that all businesses located in the construction zone will remain accessible to motorists and pedestrians.

For her part, Ms. Carr said she couldn’t wait to get it over with.

I am optimistic. I hope we can meet the deadline.

With information from Rebecca Zandbergen of CBC News



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