Four feature films in the works by Anh Minh Truong, winner of the Excellence culture Estrie prize

Four feature films in the works by Anh Minh Truong, winner of the Excellence culture Estrie prize
Four feature films in the works by Anh Minh Truong, winner of the Excellence culture Estrie prize

For the next year, the director is working on feature films Them“a rural thriller about the fear of the other”, Our ghost members“a supernatural thriller inspired by the tragedy of Lac-Mégantic”, The arena“the intimate story of an electoral campaign” and Maple“the film adaptation of David Goudreault’s novel”.

“I am writing,” explains Anh Minh Truong in an interview with The gallery. I’m not filming or even preparing for filming. […] All four are on the burner, but I will never cook all four at the same time. Often I make rushes of a week or two on the same film. Sometimes I write one film in the morning and the other in the afternoon. It helps me a lot, because I’m not able to write about a film for ten hours.”

“Sometimes I imported an idea from one film to another! he continues. The films bounce off each other, even though they are very different. But jumping from one project to another helps me keep my mind very fresh, alive, lively!”

Mr. Truong first hopes that his projects will be funded and see the light of day. He wants one of them to be completed within three or four years.

Adapt Maple

Film a literary work like Maple is “really interesting,” says Mr. Truong, who once adapted a short story into a short film about 20 years ago. “David approached me, he wanted me to adapt it,” he says. He’s my friend, friendship binds us a lot here. It brings confidence in the freedom he gives me. When the project started, he told me that this book and this character were mine. He did his job, it’s my turn to do mine.”

The director confirms that changes between the film and the book Maple will be observed. “In cinema, the lines must be shorter. There is a lot of work to be done to compress and purify the story. David already knew, the film will not start in the same place and will not end in the same place,” he says.

By tackling a well-known work by a popular author, the director “knows that it is inevitable that there will be disappointments,” says Anh Minh Truong candidly. “They get an idea of ​​Maple and have an image of the actress who should play her. No matter what artistic decision I make, it will create some disappointment. This is the nature of the creative process,” says the man who does not wish to elaborate on the actors he wants to see play in this film.

Mr. Truong, however, confirms that his first feature film brought him “a certain credibility for the future” and that working on a project like that of Maple “has a notoriety even before it is born”. “I dare to bet that if this project is done, it could give a good boost for the future,” hopes the director.


From the outset, the director claims to take this award “with great humility”. “We compare artists from different worlds: I don’t think I deserved it more than the other candidates,” he describes.

“Yes, it’s me who receives it, but it highlights the effort of many people around this project,” continues Mr. Truong.

In the last year with the release of his film Men at night, the director learned to deal with public and critical reception. “I’ve been to a lot of performances. People react really well, sometimes very surprisingly. Men cry without knowing why. The film touches a sensitive chord,” he adds, adding that humor is also part of his work.

The jury highlighted in a press release “the great coherence and quality of his artistic approach as well as his talent as a screenwriter. Her writing layers multiple layers of understanding and sparks interest in exploring themes of identity, community and healing.

He also believes that Mr. Truong “is a pioneer and mentor for the community of filmmakers in Estrie. Here, he was able to develop a solid artistic practice, share his research and develop an entire community of collaborators. Generous and supportive of his peers, his involvement remains constant over the years.

In addition to a work signed by glass artist Diane Ferland, the director gets his hands on a $1,500 grant

The dance artist and artistic director of the Sherbrooke dance company for young audiences Sursaut, Morgane Le Tiec, as well as the author, director and artistic director of the Petit Théâtre de Sherbrooke, Érika Tremblay-Roy, were the two other finalists for this price.

Besides, the film Men at night which was released in April will be presented at the Coaticook Cinema on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. and Thursday at 7:30 p.m.



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