After seven mandates at the head of the Haute-Loire Football District, Raymond Fournel hands over

Joining the Haute-Loire Football District in 1978, Raymond Fournel was then its president in 1996. The emblematic leader will leave his position at the end of the month, at the age of 77. Portrait.

In his office, two framed jerseys bear witness to the most powerful moments of his life as District President. The first takes us back to the 2006 World Cup final in Berlin, lost by France against Italy. The second is a happier memory, since it takes us back six years, to the triumph of Kylian Mbappé and the Blues in the final against Croatia. “The best moments I have experienced in my career as a football manager were the World Cup finals,” recalls Raymond Fournel. If I had to choose just one, it would be my first in 1998. But going to Doha (Qatar) or Brazil was exceptional. » However, nothing suggested that the man who grew up near Monistrol-sur-Loire would become an influential figure in football in Haute-Loire and open doors to national authorities.

As a child, he participated in a few seasons in the Monistrolian club, “to please a passionate dad”. But in those years, it was another sport that really motivated him. “I was never a great footballer, although I have good memories of my coach at the time, René David. I preferred to go to the Lyonnaise boules club, not far from my home. »

Three years before being elected president, Raymond Fournel, here behind Jacques Barrot, was already present around the grounds. DR archive photo

A public treasury official, he had to wait for his move to Saint-Julien-Chapteuil to reconnect with football, by joining the Olympic. “At the time, when you were new in a town, you were asked if you didn’t want to join the ranks of the firefighters or the football club. I said no to the firefighters, but I entered the Saint-Julien club office. » This first commitment as leader allowed him to open the doors of the District for the first time. “It was during an appeal committee, where I managed to reduce the sanction of one of our players. I must have caught the eye of the authorities since they then asked me to join them. »

Arrival in the District in 1978, elected in 1980

Raymond Fournel first joined the Haute-Loire District in 1978, through a seven-a-side football committee, which no longer exists. Two years later, he was elected to the steering committee. Before becoming president in 1996 and serving seven consecutive four-year terms. “His motivation was above average,” salutes his president-delegate Jean-Pierre Defour, who has worked with him for more than forty years. He is someone who was omnipresent on the pitch and who hardly needed to delegate. »

This journey led him to take on responsibilities beyond the borders of Haute-Loire. Vice-president of the AuRA League, member of the men’s championships commission at the Federation, member of the Federal High Authority… The hats worn are numerous and the Capitolian must bring a sticky note to list them all. “Because of his longevity and his commitment, he has become a real character among leaders,” recognizes Marc Touchet, president of the National Association of District Football Presidents. “He is a reliable and competent person, particularly in terms of management. Over the years, he has been noted for his uprightness,” he insists.

Raymond Fournel (left) spent a long part of his career at the District, accompanied by Jean-Pierre Defour (right). DR archive photo

The love story between Raymond Fournel and football was not just limited to managerial work. He also approached the field as a delegate, officiating until D1 and D2, in the 1980s. “I stopped that on my own initiative, because I should not spread myself too thin. But I almost regretted it,” he concedes.

Obviously, the list of distinctions is almost as long as that of the positions held. What if we only had to choose one? “It is to have been promoted to officer of the National Order of Merit. »

The painful episode of the right bank

Finally, it was as president of the Haute-Loire Football District that Raymond Fournel made his mark. Serving seven mandates in a row is not trivial. Especially since the trajectory was not linear. The most significant episode of all his years of presidency is also a painful passage. By opening a suitcase full of archives, stored in a corner of his office, the president plunges back into the most difficult issue of his career. That of the right bank of the Lignon, which lasted from 2011 to 2014. His desire to repatriate the Altiligerian clubs which played in the Loire was widely divided. “Some criticisms were painful to hear. Some people were really vehement,” he regrets without wanting to elaborate too much. “It’s a conflict that consumed a lot of energy, it left its mark on us all. Raymond suffered very violent personal attacks. We were behind him and he almost stopped everything,” confides Jean-Pierre Defour. “It’s like being a business manager, there are bad times to go through,” puts the District President into perspective.

President until the end of the month

Obviously, when living his last moments as leader, the native of Saint-Étienne prefers to remember the good memories. “I have had the chance, over all these years, to meet remarkable women and men, some of whom have become friends. »

The feeling of duty accomplished predominates, a few days before the end of his seventh term. “I am proud to have hired someone like Raphaël Reynaud, who became coach of the French futsal team. He has the gratitude to say that it is partly thanks to us. It is also a source of pride to leave this beautiful house in good health, especially financially. »

If the general assembly of the District, this Saturday, June 15, should make it possible to designate his successor, Raymond Fournel will officially be in office until the end of the month. He therefore has a few days left to prepare to leave the District, after 28 years of presidency.

The iconic leader will inevitably have a pang in his heart when emptying his office and taking down the framed jerseys. “I will probably shed a little tear. But at 77, it’s time to rest and enjoy my family. »

Lucas Jacquet



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