An altercation between a motorist escalates. A woman has her finger cut off

An altercation between a motorist escalates. A woman has her finger cut off
An altercation between a motorist escalates. A woman has her finger cut off

A trivial argument between motorists degenerated into a violent attack Monday evening in Mitry-Mory, in Seine-et-Marne. A woman had her finger cut during the altercation, and the perpetrators are on the run.

According to Le Parisien, the incident occurred around 10:30 p.m. in a residential area of ​​the city. A fifty-year-old man and his twenty-year-old son got into an argument with a young couple over a parking issue.

The couple then left, but returned an hour later with a group of five to ten people. The group then attacked the son’s car with baseball bats. The father intervened to defend his son, but was attacked by the attackers.

Seeing one of the attackers armed with a katana, the father’s partner came out of her house to defend him. She received a saber blow to her hand, which severed her finger.

The victim was rushed to hospital, while the attackers fled before the police arrived. An investigation was opened and entrusted to the Organized and Specialized Crime Section (SCOS).

So far, no arrests have taken place. The police are appealing for witnesses to identify the perpetrators of the attack.

This dramatic incident is a reminder of the violence that can occur during simple disputes between motorists. It is important to remain calm and not engage in physical confrontations, even when disagreements arise.

If you witness an altercation between motorists, it is best to contact the police immediately.



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