a slight improvement in Dax

a slight improvement in Dax
a slight improvement in Dax

Between the two main cities, the land and the coast, the Landes real estate market is diverse. In Dax, it does not deviate from the national trend. “We hear everywhere that rates are falling a little and I sense an improvement in purchases and sales…

Between the two main cities, the land and the coast, the Landes real estate market is diverse. In Dax, it does not deviate from the national trend. “We hear everywhere that rates are falling a little and I sense an improvement in the purchases and sales of goods,” observes Frédéric Jolivet, director of the Arthurimmo agency recently established on rue des Carmes.

The second city in the department in terms of population therefore sees its real estate situation “evolve in 2024” even in the rental department. “We had a market freeze in 2022, after Covid,” recalls Charlotte Leroux, rental manager at the Dacquoise agency of the Courtès Group in Dax. Fewer departures, a lot of requests but nothing, people no longer dared to move. In 2023, things are off to a good start again and in 2024, I have plenty of notice. We’re going back to a classic market. »

According to local professionals in the sector, rental demand fluctuates depending on the type of property. Even if the general picture shows a supply well below demand. “We receive a lot of calls from people looking for them,” explains Frédéric Jolivet. “If on Friday we post an ad for a house, on Monday we receive 150 emails, image Charlotte Leroux. But for furnished studios (average rent of 400-450 euros), it has been more complicated to find takers in recent weeks. »

In 2023, things are off to a good start again and in 2024, I have plenty of notice. We return to a classic market

A decline to qualify

Trust must be cultivated, and the ownership aspect could bear witness to this. “Since mid-March, there have been more and more calls from buyers. They feel more reassured,” says Frédéric Jolivet. This feeling combined with the drop in rates would allow a slight unblocking. “The owners are relaunching their project. It’s better than last year. Prices are falling very slightly, especially among owners who have other projects and want to move forward. » An improvement to be qualified: “This drop is, however, not as significant as the post-Covid increase”.



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