“So far so good”, on France Inter, will not repeat next year

“So far so good”, on France Inter, will not repeat next year
“So far so good”, on France Inter, will not repeat next year

The show which replaced that of Charline Vanhoenacker in September did not succeed in transforming the test. Who will take over at the start of the school year? The bets are open.

From left to right: Marie Misset, Marine Baousson and Maïa Mazaurette, in August 2023 before the launch of the show.

From left to right: Marie Misset, Marine Baousson and Maïa Mazaurette, in August 2023 before the launch of the show. Photo Rudy Waks for Télérama

By Sophie Gindensperger

Published on June 13, 2024 at 5:55 p.m.

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Lexperience will have lasted a season. On her Instagram account, Marie Misset announced that So far, so good, which had replaced Charline Vanhoenacker’s show It’s us again! at the start of the last school year, will end on June 28. In September, the journalist who worked for Radio Nova and Konbini was entrusted with the reins of the 5 p.m. slot, left vacant by the decision of France Inter management to move the “Charline band” to Sunday evening. At her side, Marine Baousson (author of the friendly podcast Vulgar and columnist in Zen zoom zoom, on Inter) and Maïa Mazaurette, sexuality specialist and columnist for Daily, on TMC.

The road map of the friendly trio? Host a light magazine in the presence of guests “who are committed and bring about change” to provoke debate and discussion, instead of the humor and political satire that had prevailed until then. After a complicated start and disappointing first audiences, the show underwent some adjustments, which did not convince Maïa Mazaurette: she announced her departure in January. The auditors have since partly returned, but the case is still significantly behind the hearings of the previous year. The test will therefore not be transformed next year.

“Despite all the nananinanana who are annoying but not too much when you don’t read them, it will have been a great year “, assured Marie Misset online. “While I am obviously very sad that our show is ending, the story with France Inter and the listeners is not over,” for her part declared her colleague, Marine Baousson, contacted by Telerama. “It has been an immense honor to present this show, and spending this year alongside Marie Misset has been a real joy every day. The story isn’t over with her either, I’m sure of it.” she added.

Who will take over at the start of the school year? According to The Parisian, Matthieu Noël, who provides the humorous post for the morning show and produces the show Zen zoom zoom, broadcast on the station at 4 p.m., could save an hour, to “a new humor and current affairs program with signatures from the comedy scene”. The station management has not confirmed this new feature, but also assures that Marie Misset and Marine Baousson “are two fantastic producers” and “ the story is not over ».



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