“Terracegate” is not an overexposed news item, but a real political event

“Terracegate” is not an overexposed news item, but a real political event
“Terracegate” is not an overexposed news item, but a real political event

The controversy around of terracegate does not exhaust itself, to the great despair of the worldly left who want to see it as a news item.

But ordinary people feel that this story says a lot about the drift of contemporary society.

At the heart of this story: a prestigious restaurant where you eat very well, which is not within the reach of all budgets, and which has nothing to do with I don’t know what “Gérard’s pataterie” in the depths of a distant rank. I would like to point out that I like potatoes, but I don’t take them as great cuisine!


For some, this restaurant is not the symbol of Montreal’s gastronomic wealth of which everyone can be proud, but the symbol of social inequalities to be fought, ideally by hitting the “haves”, whose prosperity is always considered suspect. Because, for the radical left, a man never really gets rich through his courage and his efforts. Its success is always symptomatic of social disruption: a well-made society would rather produce equality, which often amounts to cutting off the head of everything that exceeds it.

Which leads us to the context of the anti-terrace operation: the Grand Prix. Which the radical left also hates.

For her, he represents capitalism and its excesses.

It is associated with a stereotypical representation of men and women, an exaggeratedly sexualized representation where the two sexes do not hide their attraction to each other, while our time wants to dissolve them in the great blur of gender fluidity. (I obviously do not dispute the abuses that come with this event).

  • Listen to the news review commented by Alexandre Dubé and Mathieu Bock-Côté via QUB :

The Grand Prix is ​​often accompanied by banquets where we eat good meat, which is contrary to the veganization of food, and where we drink alcohol, which the barely-enjoyable left cannot tolerate.

The worldly left does not like parties, it does not like the joyful excesses of existence, it is a left that struggles to enjoy itself, without desire, which does not know how to feast, nor frolic, nor have fun. , who loves nothing more than the month of February without alcohol and who hides his inaptitude for pleasure behind his repeated calls for sobriety.

It’s a ballsy left, quite frankly, which allows a significant number of individuals devoured by resentment and who watch existence pass by without really devouring it to take their revenge on life. She wants to ruin the lives of happy people.


We should never underestimate the extent to which the least noble feelings like to claim the greatest virtues.

We can also believe that the malicious officials who ruined life at the Ferreira Café were also happy to persecute their neighbors.

In other words, what happened that evening in Montreal was not an unfortunate incident, but the concretization of a hegemonic ideology, more powerful than people say.



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