Maine-et-Loire. Did you know ? This castle is home to the largest medieval tapestry in the world

Maine-et-Loire. Did you know ? This castle is home to the largest medieval tapestry in the world
Maine-et-Loire. Did you know ? This castle is home to the largest medieval tapestry in the world


APEI Press Agency

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 3:18 p.m.

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This castle houses a real treasure: the largest medieval tapestry in the world and it is in Angers (Maine-et-Loire) that it is therefore preserved. There Apocalypse Tapestry is a true masterpiece.

103 meters long by 4.5 m high

Commissioned in 1375 by Louis I of Anjou, this monumental work illustrates the historical, social and political context of 14th century France. Made of wool using the smooth tapestry technique, it measures 103 meters long by 4.5 m high.

This largest set of medieval tapestries surviving in the world, traces the stories of the Apocalypse according to Saint John with impressive finesse and richness of detail.

The scenes are teeming with details that make the tapestry of Louis I a real history book ! We can even recognize characters who actually existed, such as the Black Prince, personal enemy of Louis I of Anjou, or his father, the King of England Edward III.

She places Paris in the Angers castle in the 1950s: a monumental gallery was built there just for it and today allows you to discover this masterpiece all year round.

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