Batch. Cauvaldor launches its distribution campaign for individual composters

Batch. Cauvaldor launches its distribution campaign for individual composters
Batch. Cauvaldor launches its distribution campaign for individual composters


Jean-Claude Bonnemère

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

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To support its inhabitants, the community of communes Causses and Dordogne Valley (Cauvaldor) launches in June a distribution of individual composters (garden and food waste).

Since January 1, 2024, sorting of bio-waste at Source has been mandatory. If for some composting is already a habit, others will be able to adopt this practice.

A composting kit offered to residents

The elected officials of Cauvaldor have chosen to offer a composting kit to the inhabitants of the area. Everyone will be able to respond to these new regulations and above all act for the environment. Cauvaldor in partnership with SYDED, in addition to providing a kit, raises user awareness of good practices to benefit from a quality and 100% natural fertilizer!

For Dominique Bizat, the advisor responsible for the circular economy and the Territorial Climate Air Energy Plan, the launch of this campaign is obvious: “Beyond respecting the law, there are multiple reasons to compost! This helps reduce our waste to be incinerated: 27% of our trash is compostable, while transforming this organic matter into fertilizer. Composting also helps preserve the environment by avoiding unnecessary burying or incineration of our bio-waste which would produce methane, a significant greenhouse gas. Finally, by reducing our production of waste and composting, we limit the financial impact of the regular increase in taxes linked to national regulations on the landfilling and incineration of our waste. “

In practice

To obtain a composting kit consisting of 1 320 liter recycled plastic composter kit + 1 aerating rod + 1 10 liter bucket + 1 domestic composting guide, residents go to the Cauvaldor website in the Waste Management / section. all ready to compost to complete a registration form and choose the day/place** to collect their composter. A confirmation email will validate their registration. On the day of the distribution, Cauvaldor and the SYDED du Lot will organize a composting awareness session, followed by the free delivery of the kit to each participating household. Allow a 45 min slot: awareness raising + distribution.

Videos: currently on -

Distribution dates and locations:

– Thursday June 27, at the village hall of Biars-sur-Cère**,
– Wednesday July 3, at the Saint-Céré multipurpose room,
– Thursday July 18, at the former municipal workshops of Souillac, place du foirail,
– Thursday October 10, at the Vayrac village hall,
– Wednesday October 2, at the Gramat village hall.
**Limited to 300 composters (for Biars-sur-Cère and for Saint-Céré) / Offer limited to one piece of equipment per household.

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