A 19th Haute Lozère collectors’ fair appreciated

A 19th Haute Lozère collectors’ fair appreciated
A 19th Haute Lozère collectors’ fair appreciated

Saturday October 26, at the socio-cultural center, the 19th Haute Lozère collectors' fair took place, organized by the Gévaudan collectors' association, chaired by Hervé Fumel, with the help of the local section of Saint-Chély-d' Apcher. A dozen exhibitors from neighboring departments and Lozère were present.

The collectors highlighted their collections, to the great pleasure of the large public, made up of collectors, amateurs and curious people. Among the collections, we found stamps, banknotes, postcards, coins and champagne capsules, not forgetting the exhibition on the beast of Gévaudan.

I thank the dynamic team at Saint-Chély for the organization. This requires a great personal investment on the part of Michel Brunel, Daniel Julliard, Michel Astruc and Laurette Teissandier “, declared Hervé Fumel.

In turn, Mayor Christine Hugon declared: “I am happy to welcome you to the Barrabande city, it is always a great pleasure. The show is an opportunity for future collectors to obtain information, it is a cultural event very popular with the public.”

Midi Libre correspondent: 04 66 31 13 10



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