Europeans 2024: it is in the Lot that Bardella is the least well elected in Occitanie and Glucksmann the best elected in Occitanie

Europeans 2024: it is in the Lot that Bardella is the least well elected in Occitanie and Glucksmann the best elected in Occitanie
Europeans 2024: it is in the Lot that Bardella is the least well elected in Occitanie and Glucksmann the best elected in Occitanie

the essential
The day after the European elections, the Lot is an exception among the 13 departments of Occitanie. If the Lotois placed Jordan Bardella in the lead, the far right obtained its lowest regional score.

One election has barely ended when another one is about to begin. A look back at this election evening which will go down in political history. Because, while the results of the Europeans revealed the French MEPs, the President of the Republic announced the dissolution of the Assembly.

  • The Lot is an exception in the middle of the 13 departments of Occitanie

Throughout the Region, the National Rally took the lead in these European elections on Sunday evening. Marine Le Pen’s party won 35.95% of the votes in Occitania, more than in France, where thanks to 31.37% of voters Jordan Bardella and his running mate won 30 seats in the European Parliament.

In this context, the Lot is almost an exception. Certainly, the RN list wins for the first time in our department, but if it wins, the extreme right must be satisfied with 26.66%. In other words, it is the only one of the 13 departments of Occitanie where the leader of the RN is the least well elected. The only one where his outsider Raphaël Glucksmann obtained nearly 19% of the votes, making the outgoing deputy from the Left the department where he is best represented in Occitanie. In fact, it has a regional score of 14.79%. Note, however, that 6,240 votes widen the gap between the two candidates in the Lot, which is not a trifle.

Read also :
European elections: Jordan Bardella in the lead, the reactions of elected officials from Lot

  • The collapse for the party of the presidential majority and the risk of legislative news

In our department, we still wonder why Emmanuel Macron caused the dissolution of the National Assembly. Because, seen from the Lot, the bet is risky for the President of the Republic. Placed in the lead in 2019, with 22.15% of the votes, the list of the presidential majority led this time by Valérie Hayer suffered a real setback, with only 13.44% of the votes. By already taking a look at the upcoming legislative elections, Renaissance risks not being to its advantage for the elections of June 30 and July 7. In 2022, the outgoing deputy for the 1st constituency, Aurélien Pradié for LR, took the lead in the first round, and his election already seemed certain, despite a runoff with the LFI candidate. As for the second constituency, outgoing MP Huguette Tiegna (Renaissance) did not emerge as a favorite in the three-way ballot. She finally managed to secure her place in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon by 127 more than the LFI candidate Thierry Grossemy.

Reactions of the mayor of Figeac: “I say be careful, danger for the organization of the Republic”

For the mayor of Figeac, André Mellinger, the situation is serious the day after the European election. The only small satisfaction in the face of the tidal wave of the National Rally which did not spare the Lot, the voters of the sub-prefecture placed the socialist candidate Raphaël Glucksmann in the lead on Sunday evening. “It’s the famous phrase: when I look I’m sorry, when I compare I console myself. This political situation with the rise of the extreme right is distressing. It’s consoling that Figeac compared to other cities in the Lot and Occitanie manage to keep a cool head… But we are devastated. We woke up with a hangover. The announcement of the results was a blow, the announcement of the dissolution was the same. Cherry on the cake…”

André Mellinger points out the brutal decision of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron.”Somewhere he makes an admission of impotence and at the same time he gives up. I say be careful, danger for the organization of the Republic and the future of our local communities. The mayor of Figeac wishes to actively engage in the campaign for the early legislative elections which will open in the coming days. “This will be my last fight, I will lead it by supporting the candidate of the left and all the Republican candidates. I will be one of those who will advocate national unity. When the situation is serious we no longer have the right to stand together. disperse”.

  • 14 lists do not even exceed 10 votes in the Lot out of 140,651 registered voters

Of the 38 lists, four more than in 2019, two lists obtained no votes in the Lot; and in total, there are even 14 lists which have not even crossed the bar of 10 ballots cast in our department. If we have fun comparing the votes with regard to the 5%, the fateful threshold of the national score to claim to have MEPs… In the Lot, there are 31 lists which would be out…

Even if it is in the lead in the Lot, the far right must be satisfied with 26.66%.
  • 3,078 candidates for Europeans and… Not a single one from Lot

Did they think about it when putting their ballot in the box? The Lot, despite the 3,078 candidates from the 38 lists, did not have a single candidate from its territory. However, if we have fun imagining a number of candidates proportional to the electoral weight of the departments, the Lot could have claimed 7 or 8 Lotois candidates among the 3,078. And who knows, perhaps an elected MEP…



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