Lot: the results of the department after the 2024 European elections

The National Rallyled by Jordan Bardella was well ahead with 26.67%. The RN remains in the lead even if it is less ahead than in other departments, or on a national scale. It is followed conversely by the national results, by the PS list of Raphaël Glucksmann (18.91%), then by that of the presidential majority led by Valérie Hayer (13.42%).

Concerning the national results, the National Rally list led by Jordan Bardella triumphed with some 31.5% of the votes (30 seats), far ahead of the Macronist candidate Valérie Hayer (around 14.5% – 13 seats) and the lead of the PS list Raphaël Glucksmann (14% – 13 seats).

France Insoumise received 10.1% of the votes (9 seats), Les Républicains 7.2% (6 seats) and EELV 5.5% (5 seats). Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquest! just passes the necessary bar, at 5.3% (5 seats).

These results therefore had a consequence, that of the dissolution of the National Assembly, pronounced by Emmanuel Macro. The Head of State therefore calls new legislative elections, 2 years after the last ones, the June 30 (first round) and the July 7 (second round).

Note, La France Insoumise comes first in the villages of Lherm and Crégols.


Regarding the participation rate, it is stable, at 59.92% compared to 59.21% in 2019. Much higher than at the national level: 51.4% (50.1% in 2019)

The results :

Jordan Bardella (RN) 21,135 26.67%

Raphaël Glucksmann (PS/PP) 14,980 18.91%

Valérie Hayer (ENS) 10,637 13.42%

Manon Aubry (LFI) 5,826 7.35%

François-Xavier Bellamy (LR) 5,272 6.65%

Jean Lassalle (DVD) 4,933 6.23%

Marie Toussaint (EELV) 4,259 5.38%

Marion Maréchal (EXD) 3,503 4.42%

Léon Deffontaines (PCF) 2,624 3.31%

Hélène Thouy (DIV) 1,600 2.02%

François Asselineau (DIV) 1,053 1.33%

Jean Marc Governatori (ECO) 947 1.20%

Florian Philippot (EXD) 830 1.05%

Nathalie Arthaud (EXG) 461 0.58%

Yann Wehrling (ECO) 302 0.38%

Marine Cholley (ECO) 228 0.29%

Guillaume Lacroix (DVG) 197 0.25%

Selma Labib (EXG) 179 0.23%

Laure Patas d’illiers (DIV) 67 0.08%

Georges Renard-kuzmanovic (DIV) 63 0.08%

Caroline Zorn (DIV) 45 0.06%

Francis Lalanne (DIV) 19 0.02%

Michel Simonin (EXG) 15 0.02%

Pierre Larrouturou (DVG) 10 0.01%

Gaël Coste-meunier (DIV) 10 0.01%

Jean-Marc Fortané (DIV) 9 0.01%

Camille Adoue (EXG) 9 0.01%

Philippe Ponge (DIV) 6 0.01%

Pierre-Marie Bonneau (EXD) 5 0.01%

Lorys Elmayan (DIV) 4 0.01%

Hamada Traoré (DIV) 3 0.00%

Audric Alexandre (DIV) 2 0.00%

Léopold-Edouard Deher-lesaint (DIV) 1 0.00%

Nagib Azergui (DIV) 1 0.00%

Olivier Terrien (EXG) 1 0.00%

Patrice Grudé (DIV) 1 0.00%

Edouard Husson (DIV) 0 0.00%

Charles Hoareau (EXG) 0 0.00%



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