Generation A Festival: Vagabundus / Echogr’Art-Phie Théâtre Paris – Villette Paris

Generation A Festival: Vagabundus / Echogr’Art-Phie Théâtre Paris – Villette Paris
Generation A Festival: Vagabundus / Echogr’Art-Phie Théâtre Paris – Villette Paris

Generation A Festival: Vagabundus / Echogr’Art-Phie Théâtre Paris – Villette Paris, Monday June 10, 2024.

Monday June 10, 2024
from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Young and adult audience.
At the invitation of the Paris-Villette Theater, Fatima Ndoye and Alioune Diagne imagined Génération A. The third edition of this week-long highlight promises every day the discovery of young artists from different African countries and representative ·ves of a new generation: resolutely contemporary, creative, rebellious and always committed!

Idio Chichava

Vagabundus is a choral piece in which thirteen bodies and voices take possession of the space, as if to expand its boundaries. Here sky and earth merge, the ground becomes an ocean, bodies sing and cry so that hearts remain alive. A journey, immense, cyclical and timeless…

duration: 1h20

Agathe Djokam Tamo

Between misappropriation of objects, bodily biorhythms, intimate and physical gestures, Echogr’Art-Phie addresses everyday femininity and questions true love in a different way through the menstrual phenomenon. Agathe Djokam Tamo defends a dance that is undeniably powerful and precise, very direct, very straight: an explosion.

duration: 40 mins

Schedule: year-month-day-time
start: 2024-06-10T23:00:00+02:00
end: 2024-06-11T01:00:00+02:00

Paris Theater – Villette 211 avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris

Contact: +33140037223 [email protected]

© Antoine Temps / Atelier Poste 4

Generation A Festival: Vagabundus / Echogr'Art-Phie Théâtre Paris - Villette Paris


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