European results Boulay Moselle (57220)

European results Boulay Moselle (57220)
European results Boulay Moselle (57220)

19:13 – In Boulay-Moselle, what will the Nupes supporters decide?

In addition to the score of the Bardella list, the question of the duel between the majority list of Valérie Hayer and that of the Socialist Party led by Raphaël Glucksmann arises. The two characters of the duo would arrive almost tied at the end of the day’s vote, according to the surveys of voting intentions established during the campaign. But it should be remembered that Nathalie Loiseau, who embodied the LREM list during the 2019 European elections, took 16.33% in Boulay-Moselle, compared to 5.7% for the left-wing list at the time. Everything actually depends on the postponement of the votes of Nupes, which has already lived. The reserve of votes seems substantial. During the first round of parliamentary elections in 2022 in Boulay-Moselle, the Nupes pair had in fact obtained 16.55% of the votes in the locality. A score to put into perspective with the 22% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the accumulation of Mélenchon-Roussel-Jadot-Hidalgo votes.

17:08 – Which candidate will the right-wing votes focus on in Boulay-Moselle?

At the local level as in the rest of the country, the result of the list led by Jordan Bardella in the 2024 Europeans will be closely analyzed. We note that Boulay-Moselle is one of the rare municipalities where the level of the RN has not increased between 2019 and 2022, Jordan Bardella recording 38.48% during the European vote and Marine Le Pen 36.47% in the first round. of the presidential election. A situation which contrasts with what the polls announce today on a national scale, with nearly ten points added for the RN between the 2022 presidential election and the 2024 European elections. The RN has perhaps reached its maximum…

15:02 – Trends to take into account

The latest elections to date, the 2022 legislative elections gave a good start for the RN in Boulay-Moselle. The far-right party took the lead in the city with 30.48% in the first round. He then won with 55.87% in the 2nd, guaranteeing him to be at the top at the municipal level (Boulay-Moselle having only one constituency). Marine Le Pen had also finished in the lead a few months earlier with 36.47% in the first round of the presidential election. Emmanuel Macron was second with 23.6% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon third with 17.07%. Marine Le Pen finally won in the second round in the city with 57.4%, ahead of Emmanuel Macron at 42.6%.

12:45 – Which list came first in the European elections in Boulay-Moselle in 2019?

Will tonight’s results confirm the 2019 verdict? Five years ago, in Boulay-Moselle, the National Rally list, which was already headed by a certain Jordan Bardella, took first place, accumulating 38.48% of the votes against Nathalie Loiseau at 16.33% and Yannick Jadot at 9.03%.

11:45 – Boulay-Moselle: demography and socio-economics impact European elections

In the commune of Boulay-Moselle, do voters have an influence on the results of the European elections? The percentage of job seekers at 16.12% may influence voters’ hopes regarding European employment policies. With 44.92% of active population and a population density of 287 inhabitants per km², these figures could encourage greater electoral involvement. An average net monthly salary of 2,118.21 euros/month underlines the weight of issues on the distribution of wealth in the concerns of the 1,602 voters. On the other hand, elements such as the number of RSA beneficiaries (2.35%) and the number of HLM residences (16.2% of housing) highlight the issues of solidarity and social integration which concern residents. . The figures on education in Boulay-Moselle highlight varied levels of qualifications, with 30.62% of inhabitants having obtained no diploma, which can impact support for European educational policies and access to education. professional training.

10:30 – Participation rate during the last European elections in Boulay-Moselle: the key figures

The results of the 2024 European elections are as much hoped for as the abstention rate which is always too high during this type of electoral meeting. For the record, across France in 2019, the abstention rate in the European elections stood at 49.88%, better than in 2014. The study of previous electoral meetings allows us to understand a little better the vote of the citizens of this municipality. In 2019, during the European elections, the abstention percentage rose to 53.45% in the commune of Boulay-Moselle, compared to an abstention of 67.23% for the 2014 European elections.

09:30 – What will be the participation in the Europeans in Boulay-Moselle?

What will happen to participation this Sunday, during the Europeans in Boulay-Moselle? As a reminder, in the city, the percentage of participation in the 2022 legislative elections represented 38.83% in the first round and only 36.4% in the second round. What will be the participation in Boulay-Moselle this year? On the occasion of the second round of the last presidential election, among the 4,113 registered on the electoral lists within the city, 70.18% took part in the election. The participation rate was 69.88% in the first round, i.e. 2,874 people. Nationally, participation was already a central topic two years ago. It represented 25.48% at 12 p.m. and only 65.00% at 5 p.m. for the first round.

08:02 – Opening and closing of polling stations in Boulay-Moselle

The 4 polling stations in the Boulay-Moselle agglomeration (from Town Hall to Halling Les Boulay Town Hall) are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to receive voters. The Europeans are being held this Sunday in Boulay-Moselle. Their aim is to designate the next 81 French MEPs. During the previous election, in 2019, thirty-four lists were proposed, all parties combined. This year, 38 lists are competing to win MEP mandates. This time again, there will only be one turn to designate a list among those of François-Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains), Raphaël Glucksmann (Socialist Party – Place publique) or Léon Deffontaines (PC), to speak only of these personalities.



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