Europeans 2024. The far-right RN vote in the lead in the Lot for the first time

Europeans 2024. The far-right RN vote in the lead in the Lot for the first time
Europeans 2024. The far-right RN vote in the lead in the Lot for the first time


Jean-Claude Bonnemère

Published on

June 9, 2024 at 9:27 p.m.

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For these 2024 European electionsTHE department of Lot, sporting a participation rate of more than 60% (results not final 9:15 p.m.), place at the top of the votes list “France returns” by Jordan Bardella, with 27.04% of votes cast. Coming in second is the list “Wake up Europe” led by the socialist Raphaël Glucksmann with 18.22% of the votes. Next comes the list of the presidential majority “Need for Europe” led by Valérie Hayer showing 13.31%. Follow the France Insoumise, with 7.23%, theRural Alliance of Jean Lassalle with 7.07%. The list The Republicans led by François-Xavier Bellamy is credited with 6.49% and that of Marie Toussaint for Europe Ecology exceeds the 5% mark with 5.35%.

The times are changing…

Five years after the previous 2019 European election, the situation has changed on the Lot political scene. In 2019, the Renaissance list came first with 22.15% of the votes cast, today it falls to 13.31%.

In 2019, the RN had reached 19.43%, which was already considered a high score, on June 9, it was in the lead with 27.04%.

As for the Ecologists with Europe Ecologie des Verts, during the previous election, they were placed in 3e position with 13.54%. Where have they gone now?

France Insoumise, which had a result of 8.57% in 2019, has now reached 7.23%.

As for the Union of the Right and Center, today Les Républicains, its score which stood at 7.48% 5 years ago, has fallen to 6.55%.

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