Publicis Groupe Canada launches Epsilon ID and Growth OS

Publicis Groupe Canada launches Epsilon ID and Growth OS
Publicis Groupe Canada launches Epsilon ID and Growth OS

Publicis Groupe Canada launches two innovative solutions designed by Publicis Media Canada for the local market: Epsilon ID And GrowthOS. These products mark a major advancement in data marketing. Together, they provide a unified data solution, from strategy and audience definition to activation, giving marketers access to reliable Canadian data and a consistent audience strategy.

Faced with a media crisis, privacy concerns and the dominance of tech giants who capture 80% of digital advertising spending, access to reliable Canadian data has become increasingly difficult. This is where Epsilon ID comes in, a unique cookie-free data solution developed specifically to meet the needs of the Canadian market. It combines proprietary databases with those of partners to create an audience matrix covering more than 70% of Canadians.

Extensively tested among its largest customers, Epsilon ID delivers exceptional performance, including:

  • The increase of 143% and 192% in click-through rates for two campaigns.
  • 60% improvement in video completion rate for a campaign.
  • The increase in audience reach, with increases of +28% and +49% among targets never previously reached.
  • 400% increase in post-click conversions.

“Epsilon ID is a unique offering that consolidates Publicis Media and its brands, Starcom, Zenith and Spark Foundry, as local leaders in data marketing, while meeting the diverse needs of clients and across agencies of Publicis Groupe,” declares Alastair TaylorCEO of Publicis Media Canada.

“Epsilon ID creates opportunities for all marketing-related expertise,” adds David RusliHead of Strategy and Data Publicis Media Canada. In media, it allows us to define targetable audiences personalized to the unique needs of clients rather than relying on predefined audiences. On a creative level, it allows our teams to deeply understand audience interests, behaviors and psychographics to create more relevant campaigns.”

Additionally, the Growth OS platform solves audience translation issues and reduces loss of efficiency by eliminating silos caused by using multiple media buying and planning tools. Designed to foster collaboration between teams and optimize processes, it allows advertisers to make informed business decisions supported by data.

“Publicis Groupe’s overall vision is to merge creativity, media, technology and data to effectively deliver end-to-end personalized marketing at scale. The launch of Epsilon ID and Growth OS in Canada will allow us to realize this vision. They are the essential foundations of today’s media, providing our teams with remarkable solutions to stimulate creativity and provide our clients with a competitive advantage for their brands and businesses,” explains Andrew BruceCEO of Publicis Groupe Canada.

To learn more about Epsilon ID and Growth OS, click here.



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