North. An elected official suspected of having raped and sexually assaulted a 16-year-old boy

A deputy mayor of Dechy (North) is suspected of having raped and sexually assaulted a teenager. The events allegedly took place in early 2024, when the alleged victim was 16 years old. The 38-year-old man was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention on the evening of Thursday June 6. Investigations continue.

An elected official from the town of Dechy (North) was indicted for rape and sexual assault of a minor on Tuesday June 4, 2024. Illustrative photo. | THOMAS BREGARDIS / ARCHIVES WEST-FRANCE

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  • An elected official from the town of Dechy (North) was indicted for rape and sexual assault of a minor on Tuesday June 4, 2024. Illustrative photo. | THOMAS BREGARDIS / ARCHIVES WEST-FRANCE

An elected official from the town of Dechy, near Lille (North), was indicted for rape and sexual assault of a minor on Tuesday June 4, 2024. As reported France Blue North , he is suspected of having raped and sexually assaulted a 16-year-old teenager during the incident. He was placed in pre-trial detention.

A second complaint

According to the public prosecutor, cited by The voice of the North , “the facts denounced date back to the beginning of the year, from January to March 2024”. The accused, aged 38, is the second deputy to the current mayor of the town, Jean-Michel Szatny. He has been elected for ten years. The alleged victim is a teenager who attended an association in Dechy.

According to local media, a second complaint was filed against him. This time by an adult man who also accuses him of sexual assault. Still in police custody on the morning of Thursday June 6, the thirty-year-old was then brought before the courts to be indicted. He was imprisoned in the evening. The investigation continues.

To find out more: read the article by The voice of the North .



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