Vaud Promotion: after investigation, confidence in the director maintained

Vaud Promotion: after investigation, confidence in the director maintained
Vaud Promotion: after investigation, confidence in the director maintained

The investigation carried out by the State of Vaud and the Vaud Promotion steering committee on the working climate within the canton’s promotion body concluded that it was a “healthy, non-toxic environment with no proven cases of mobbing or harassment”. However, it makes several recommendations linked to a “brittle” management style, the stress felt and better organization of work.

It was the State Councilor in charge of the economy Isabelle Moret who announced last November before the Grand Council that “at the request of her department, the Vaud Promotion steering committee had mandated an external company responsible for producing an analysis neutral and independent of the work climate.

“The aim of this analysis is to have an objective and factual report based on individual and anonymized interviews which will focus on the working climate, but also on the management and management of human resources within Vaud Promotion”, had indicated the minister.

Ms. Moret’s intervention followed an oral question asked in the plenum by radical left MP Mathilde Marendaz (EP). The elected official responded to an RTS investigation revealing numerous dismissals, departures and high tensions in less than two years since the arrival of new director Florence Renggli.

Confidence in the director renewed

Requested by Keystone-ATS, the Vaud Promotion steering committee indicated on Friday that “the findings of the external investigation carried out by the company Habilis on the working climate within Vaud Promotion are very clear: the environment is healthy, cannot be described as toxic and there are no proven cases of mobbing or harassment.

The committee is therefore “fully reassured in its certainty of having made the right choices and it renews its complete confidence in the existing management team and its director”, affirms Michel Rochat, president of Vaud Promotion.

Several reviews too

The steering committee also notes that “the skills and management of the director are not called into question and that the executives are totally aligned with her. The investigation therefore demonstrates the unfounded nature of the allegations relayed in certain media”, he continues. .

“As additional proof, the steering committee notes that no industrial tribunal action has been taken even though a trusted person has been put in place since May 2022,” he adds. .

But in its response, Vaud Promotion nevertheless emphasizes taking note of “the points of vigilance and recommendations set out” in the report. They concern in particular “better organization, the issues around the stress felt, very demanding management, the very great involvement of the director, the brittle management style of some or project management”.

Mutation context

The report “insists on the need to take into account the context of the period in question. The transformation of the Vaud Tourism Office to give rise to the expanded responsibilities of Vaud Promotion requested by the State required a profound reorganization. Hence the essential personnel movements observed within a limited time frame”, it is explained.

“This period of change is now over,” specifies Michel Rochat. “The report unambiguously underlines that the team in place now has all the skills to achieve the objectives set by the State of Vaud and the steering committee,” he concludes.

Several times contacted by Keystone-ATS, the services of the Department of the Economy, Innovation, Employment and Heritage (DEIEP) and the State Councilor herself did not wish to answer questions from the agency nor comment on this matter.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats



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