Villeneuve-sur-Lot. With Sun Poké, Karim Haryouli’s digital Poké Bowls

Villeneuve-sur-Lot. With Sun Poké, Karim Haryouli’s digital Poké Bowls
Villeneuve-sur-Lot. With Sun Poké, Karim Haryouli’s digital Poké Bowls

the essential
Combining fast food, healthy and digital food, this is the project of Kamel Haryouli who has just opened Sun Poké, in rue des Girondins.

The service has just ended. Kamel Haryouli has a smile on his face. “People are starting to get used to ordering online and putting together their own Poké bowl. And they are starting to be interested in my other specialty, Chirashi, asking me for information, how they are made and with what products It’s simple, basically there is sushi rice, salmon and avocado, but like Poké bowls, they are reinterpreted to French tastes.

Kamel Haryouli was born in Villeneuve 34 years ago. “With the opening of this fast food concept, I am able to combine several things. Firstly it is fast food, but above all good for your health, with healthy and fresh products”. It must be said that the young entrepreneur has always been careful about what he eats, “especially since I became a father”. And if Poké bowls are fashionable and served on many tables, their preparation also has a huge advantage. “At Sun Poké, you can make it yourself with different ingredients. A wide choice of raw vegetables that you can assemble up to 4 in the same Poké, chicken, salmon, tuna or even falafels for the proteins and assortments to choose from. This can range from fried onions to coconut to chia seeds. And to set it up, it’s very simple: a touch terminal in the restaurant, the website or the free application that he developed. And this is where Kamel’s 2nd passion comes into play.

“We must occupy the digital field. This is the future of commerce”

Basically, Kamel is not a restaurateur, “even if I know the sector well having worked there. I, in fact, have training in digital entrepreneurship. And I said to myself: why not combine the 2 and create something new. And that’s how Sun Poké and its concept were invented.

For him, location, unlike the elders, location is not the most important. “What really is is the digital presence, on the Internet, on social networks. The speed, the immediacy of the response, the availability. For the moment, I only do takeaway or deliveries. The premises are large and there is room to set up tables. But for now, I prefer to stay focused on preparing orders and the quality of the products I serve. , right next to the piano, I can process them in the order they arrive. This is the advantage of having digitized this whole part.

It’s true that people always seem to be in a hurry to eat, especially when you work in the city, in offices. “They place their orders on the app or on the website, indicate the time they arrive, and pay online through a secure transaction. There is less handling of cash and it is better for hygiene. People are increasingly sensitive to it, especially since the episodes of the health crisis linked to Covid. We have to know and be able to adapt to changes in consumption patterns, especially in medium-sized cities. like in Villeneuve. In fact, Kamel’s thinking goes further. “I really find that merchants in Villeneuve use these new digital tools little or not at all. If we don’t do it now, it will be the next generation who will. Depriving yourself of digital is really become a liability in the world of commerce and I use it.

As for the future, “why not create a Sun Poké channel in a few years”. In the meantime, Kamel intends to create a new job to support him, and above all, to continue making “good and healthy” fast food.

31, rue des Girondins. Tuesday to Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 05 53 49 08 99. / Sun poké app (on Google play and Apple Store). On Insta and Facebook.


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