In brief in Lozère: visit to the cathedral and its bell tower, meal at the Fnaca, Nordic walking…

In brief in Lozère: visit to the cathedral and its bell tower, meal at the Fnaca, Nordic walking…
In brief in Lozère: visit to the cathedral and its bell tower, meal at the Fnaca, Nordic walking…

Visit to Mende Cathedral and its bell tower. The cathedral and its bell tower can be visited this Friday 1is November, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Ascent limited to 12 people and prohibited for children under 10 years old. Prices: €5; €2 more for the bell tower. Reservations at the tourist office.

Fnaca meal. The Fnaca de Mende committee is organizing a calf's head meal, at Bec de Jeu, in Balsièges, Thursday November 14, at 12 p.m. Reservations before Tuesday, November 5. Price: €20. Check to be returned to Fnaca Mende, Espace Jean-Jaurès, rue Charles-Morel, Mende.

From Nordic Walking to Villefort. Valérie Taupin offers Nordic walking from Villefort on Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Price: €5 and €13 membership to the rural home. Registrations on 06 87 18 31 87.

CER conferences. The Benjamin-Bardy study and research center organizes conferences in November, at 5:30 p.m., in Mende. On the program, Wednesday November 13, “rural life in Margeride”, with Marie-Hélène Astruc, speaker, in the Urbain-V room; Wednesday November 20, “the obelisks and the journey of that of Concorde”, with Marc Blanchard, retired academy inspector, at the Jean-Jaurès room; Wednesday November 27, “when a jurist illuminated the underground Lozère, Édouard-Alfred Martel”, with the speaker Laurent Payrou, at the Jean-Jaurès room.

Don you sang. The next blood drive, in Mende, will take place on Monday 25, Tuesday 26 and Thursday 28 November, Place du Foirail.



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