A history enthusiast, president of the Friends of Cavagnac

A history enthusiast, president of the Friends of Cavagnac
A history enthusiast, president of the Friends of Cavagnac

The Friends of Cavagnac association was created in 1998, we met its president, Michel Jarrige.

What is the objective of this association?

The main objective is to highlight the heritage and its history within the Viscounty of Turenne, allow the dissemination and knowledge of this history, firstly to residents as well as visitors. I joined the association in 2020, the former president Michel Vigne wishing to step down, I accepted following requests from Pierre Flandin Bléty.

What are the past and current achievements?

Our news concerns an exhibition entitled “Ancient coins tell the story of the viscounty of Turenne”, created from a collection of old coins which all have a link with the history of the viscounty. This exhibition was presented in Cavagnac and Argentat during the summer of 2022. It will be present in Montvalent from June 15 to 30, in Turenne from July 2 to 25 and in the Carennac priory from July 27 to August 4.

Do you also have a new exhibition to present?

Indeed, it is an exhibition which relates the history of the lords and castellans of Cavagnac. From the archives collected by Pierre Flandin Blety, I retraced this story on three panels. It will be presented at the Cavagnac library in July and August, and until September 25, and then on the walls of the large hall of the town hall.

Was your collection of ancient coins able to “circulate” outside of exhibitions?

Conferences or interventions took place based on the content of the exhibition in municipalities that cannot accommodate it, retirement homes, and schools (middle and 5th grade classes) Thanks to Radio – Vicomté, I I recorded fourteen sequences, which were broadcast on their channel last summer. I remain available to people or communities that might be interested.

You have formed a partnership with the new owner of the Château de Turenne. What about it?

The association produced ten panels presented at the castle, on the history of the currency of the lords of Turenne and that of Marshal de Turenne. We also wrote an article on the last Raymondin de Turenne which will be published in the magazine “L’Épatant” by the owner of the castle.

Are you a historian by training?

No way. I was lucky to have a wonderful history teacher when I was a student at Cahors high school, who passed on his passion to me. I thanked him for it not too long ago.

Any current or upcoming projects?

The writing of a work on Rodolphe de Turenne (810-866), a notable figure of the 9th century, archbishop of Bourges and primate of Aquitaine. For 2025, an exhibition on the identification, mode of reproduction and preservation of wild orchids in our territory.

Are you also in contact with other associations in the municipality?

Our association intervenes whenever possible, in order to bring into play synergies and complementarities, but also with neighboring villages, for example a visit to Cavagnac is scheduled, then a visit to Mezels with the partner association.



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