Mazé-Milon. An unforgettable discovery class in the Dordogne

Mazé-Milon. An unforgettable discovery class in the Dordogne
Mazé-Milon. An unforgettable discovery class in the Dordogne

From May 13 to 17, the 69 CM1 and CM2 students from the Sainte-Marie school in Mazé-Milon had an unforgettable experience during their discovery class in the Dordogne. Accommodated at the Rouffiac leisure center, they participated in various activities which allowed them to delve into the heart of prehistory and discover the rich heritage of the region.

The students were able to take part in several workshops around prehistoric art and techniques: cave art, archaeological excavations, manufacturing of grease lamps and prehistoric ornaments, etc. The program also included visits to emblematic sites: the Villars cave; immersion in medieval history at the Château de Castelnaud; discovery of prehistoric fauna and the life of Cro-Magnon men in Thôt park… Without forgetting the highlight of the stay, the visit to the replica of the famous Lascaux cave.

This discovery class marked the last of Eric Porcher, director of the school who is retiring on August 31, the first dating from 1989. To share these exceptional moments with families, an evening will be organized for parents, where they will be able to watch the film made during this discovery class. This evening will also be an opportunity to thank the volunteer guides and teachers of the CM classes, without whom this discovery class would not have been possible.




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