Chamane, a Valais wolfdog who is fond of… paragliding –

Chamane, a Valais wolfdog who is fond of… paragliding –
Chamane, a Valais wolfdog who is fond of… paragliding –

For its series of reports “Binômes”, the RTS Local Colors show went to meet Chamane, a wolf dog that his master takes everywhere, even into the air. For three years, this funny duo has regularly flown over the Valais Alps by paraglider.

Johann Hefhaf takes Chamane, his wolf dog, everywhere. Even paragliding. A passion that has united them for three years now. To support the 47 kilos of his wolf dog, Johann has also invested in a two-seater sail.

That day, the duo flew over the Vercorin region (VS). “For takeoff, I can’t carry him. He’s between my legs. When I give him orders, he has to run. He feels the lines pulling and he feels if he has to go to the right or to the left. C “It’s really a collaborative effort, it wouldn’t work otherwise,” says Johann Hefhaf at the microphone of Couleurs locales.

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Two-seater sail

Before flying, this funny pair was rather fond of mountain walks. Until an accident slows them down. “We went for a trek around Les Combins and he got his rear end stuck. And the descent posed a problem. We could see that that was what was requiring him the most. And it came quite spontaneously, I I said we had to try. I found him a harness, we did a little flight and he liked it,” he recalls.

And the few times Johann decides to go paragliding alone, his four-legged companion scolds him. “For twelve hours, he no longer comes to me, he no longer wants cuddles. We see that it’s something that interests him. He is very curious and super zen, we have already made flights of more than an hour. He’s cool, he likes it.”

Each month, the duo carries out between two and three outings. And they don’t plan to stop there. “The dream would be to go for a week of trekking, bivouacs and flights. That would be a great challenge.”

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Romain Boisset/fgn




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