In brief in Lozère: tribute to the dead for , subsidies to associations, a professional development advisor…

In brief in Lozère: tribute to the dead for , subsidies to associations, a professional development advisor…
In brief in Lozère: tribute to the dead for France, subsidies to associations, a professional development advisor…

Tribute to the dead for . On the occasion of the National Day of Burials of the Dead for France organized by Souvenir français which, like every year, will take place Friday 1is November, a ceremony will take place at the military square, at the Séjalan 1 cemetery, in Mende. On the program: at 11:50 a.m., gathering at the gate of the Séjalan 1 cemetery; at 11:55 a.m., meditation at the graves of the four Beys brothers, all of whom died for France during the First World War; at 12 p.m., ceremony in the military square, with the reading of the message from the general president of French Remembrance Serge Barcellini, controller general of the armies, by Guy Saleil, general delegate of French Remembrance in Lozère, and laying of wreaths.

A career development advisor. A professional development advisor is available in Lozère for employees, self-employed workers and business leaders. It supports different themes: professional future, creating or taking over a business, discovering new professions, promoting your skills, retraining and training. This professional development advisor is committed to implementing confidentiality, proximity, responsiveness, personalized support and expertise. This free service is developed by Avenir Actifs. It is present on two sites in Lozère, in Mende or Saint-Chély-d'Apcher. He can be reached by telephone at 09 72 01 02 03 (free call) and at 06 85 78 35 84, or by email at [email protected]

Subsidies to associations. The 2025 subsidy application files concerning sports associations as well as social action can only be downloaded from the site The files must be submitted by January 15 at the latest to the community of communes Cœur de Lozère, town hall annex, place Charles-de-Gaulle, 48000 Mende.

CER conferences. The Benjamin-Bardy study and research center organizes conferences in November, at 5:30 p.m., in Mende. On the program: Wednesday, November 13, “rural life in Margeride”, with Marie-Hélène Astruc, speaker, in the Urbain-V room; Wednesday November 20, “the obelisks and the journey of that of Concorde”, with Marc Blanchard, retired academy inspector, at the Jean-Jaurès room; Wednesday November 27, “when a jurist illuminated the underground Lozère, Édouard-Alfred Martel”, with the speaker Laurent Payrou, at the Jean-Jaurès room.



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