the IRM issued an alert on Belgium this Sunday, be vigilant!

The sky was sunny this Sunday afternoon in the northwest of the country, but rather cloudy in the southeast half, indicates the Royal Meteorological Institute (IRM). He reports that conditions on Sunday were expected to be unfavorable for the operation of domestic fireplaces and water heaters, leading to a risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.

These three symptoms differentiate a migraine from a headache

“Carbon monoxide accidents mainly occur during the heating season, between the months of October and March. Most poisonings occur at home and are caused by a heating or hot water device. Individual stoves are more often involved than central heating installations. Poisoning in bathrooms is generally caused by a gas bath heater,” indicates the IRM on its website.

Signs of poisoning

The first signs of CO poisoning are headaches, dizziness and nausea, in children often stomach aches. “Think especially of CO when you feel unwell in a bathroom equipped with a gas water heater or when several people present these symptoms at the same time. Without intervention, these symptoms can progress to loss of consciousness and even death,” the IRM writes on its site.

So be vigilant.




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