The toxic ideology of Valérie Plante

The toxic ideology of Valérie Plante
The toxic ideology of Valérie Plante

Valérie Plante did not appreciate that Pierre Poilievre once again called her incompetent after The Press revealed that the delays in obtaining a building permit have more than doubled despite the housing shortage. We can understand his irritation. Truth hurts!


Mme Plante embodies the worst version of politicians, that of ideologues ready to sacrifice the well-being of their population on the altar of their utopia.

As a self-proclaimed knight of ecology, she hopes to control the climate and save the planet. She is also vice-president of the Steering Committee of C40, a global network of mayors united in climate action. A flagship objective of the C40, carbon neutrality by 2050, is notably at the heart of the Plante administration’s “Climate Plan”.

However, before wanting to save the planet, she should start by taking care of her city.

Montreal was once the metropolis of Canada. Today it is a city in decay.

The fronts of countless closed businesses welcome graffiti. Insecurity is increasing as violence takes hold in the streets and in the metro. The streets, littered with waste, are an olfactory and visual tribute to his administration. As for the homelessness crisis, it is more distressing than ever.

However, Mme Plante wastes his time and our money on insignificant measures like the ban on wood-fired ovens in pizzerias and bagel bakeries, the introduction of sponge sidewalks, the “Welcome baby” box, not to mention the hundreds of millions of dollars for cycle paths.


Mme Plante transformed Montreal into a laboratory for his green utopia. She fails to provide building permits in a timely manner, but she wants to control the climate. She is unable to save the most vulnerable from homelessness, but she wants to save the planet.

Fortunately for Mme Plant, ridicule doesn’t kill! Unfortunately for us, his ideology is economically and socially toxic.



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