In Geneva, free public transport for young people is on the rise

In Geneva, free public transport for young people is on the rise
In Geneva, free public transport for young people is on the rise

Also read: The path to free public transport remains unclear

The head of the Mobility Department Pierre Maudet welcomed this social measure which favors families by restoring purchasing power. “It is also an environmental measure which encourages modal transfer,” adds the State Councilor. “This measure makes it possible to act on mobility habits,” underlines socialist MP Caroline Marti.

Project torpedoed

This targeted free service follows the announcement of the record surplus posted by the 2023 accounts of the State of Geneva. The Council of State immediately wanted a tax cut for individuals, which was voted at the beginning of May by the Grand Council, and a free TPG subscription for young people.

Two attempts on this last point had failed. At the beginning of March, the project had run into trouble, because the deputies had added free transport for seniors while the Federal Court had been clear: free public transport cannot extend beyond an appropriate share . At the beginning of May, a second attempt was torpedoed by crossed amendments.

Referendum announced

The Grand Council also gave back to the TPG the power to set prices in agreement with the Council of State. This competence was transferred to parliament in 2014 following the acceptance of an initiative by the people. The objective was then to slow down price increases at the polls.

But ten years later, the right and the Council of State considered this provision too rigid. They wanted TPGs to be able to offer innovative prices. The transfer of competence was the subject of a separate bill which was accepted by 54 votes to 42 and 4 abstentions.

The MCG, which denounced an undemocratic vote that did not take into account previous votes, announced the launch of a referendum. The left also opposed this transfer of skills by warning of price increases that could occur.




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