Switzerland facing a changing security context

Switzerland facing a changing security context
Switzerland facing a changing security context

Viola Amherd

President of the Confederation, head of the DDPS

Published on May 31, 2024 at 06:59. / Modified on May 31, 2024 at 07:00.

Recent years have been marked by crises, international tensions and armed conflicts. Instead of bringing states together and strengthening peace and stability, dependencies created by trade, technology, energy and data exchange are increasingly used as weapons. And military violence is spreading.

The world is at a turning point. New players, driven by their ambitions, are demanding a more important role in the development of global rules. Competition between great powers is intensifying and resulting in direct or indirect conflicts. International institutions such as the UN suffer from this polarization. They are weakened or even completely blocked. Russia’s attack on Ukraine accelerated these trends. We are witnessing the most serious transformation of Europe’s political-security order in decades. Where will all this lead us? How long can Ukraine resist? The lack of answers to these questions is destabilizing the continent.

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