Loire-Atlantique: what is this network which brings together 43 farms?

Loire-Atlantique: what is this network which brings together 43 farms?
Loire-Atlantique: what is this network which brings together 43 farms?


Editorial Châteaubriant

Published on

May 30, 2024 at 4:50 p.m.

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In 2005, the idea of ​​forming a network arose in Jean-Michel Péard’s head. The “Invitation à la ferme” brand was registered and the first economic model was born.

“I experimented for a few years on my own. And it was finally in 2015, through meetings, that the network was created around a few organic dairy farms already engaged in processing. »

Loire-Atlantique: 43 farms are part of the Invitation à la ferme network

In 2024, 43 farms are part of the network. “The idea was to pool without losing your identity. The lessons learned from these full-scale experiments made it possible to continue building the model. »

We all had the feeling that we were each reinventing our own skills and that we lacked the time and resources to do everything well. Our approach to structuring a national sector was supported by the organic agency.

Jean-Michel Péard, founder of the Invitation à la ferme brand

A network where each farm transforms its milk into dairy products for local sale 80 km away and in short circuit. “Everyone processes and sells yogurt, ice cream or cheese on the farm. It’s one product per farm. The farmers then sell around their homes. Only about fifteen sell on the farm. »

On the products, the network writes the name of the farm. ©L’Éclaireur de Châteaubriant

“We are stronger together”

By joining the network, breeders pool their purchases, their know-how, their skills, the brand, a network of permanent staff and “above all, good ideas within a common structure. We are stronger together,” declares Jean-Michel Péard.

Network members share common values : sharing, biodiversity, professionalism, family and conviviality.

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The network is also, more than 260 employees and breedersmore than 2,000 points of sale, numerous medals…

We have employees within the network. Three quality people for support, implementation, and new investments. There are three people who manage the administration and one person in communication support and two people in marketing.

Jean-Michel Péard

The network also provides a lot of support. Because the members are voluntary farms. To join, you must be organic or ready to convert. “Those who are in conversion are part of what we call within the network small farmers, as long as they are organic. »

A specification to respect

There is also a Specifications. 70% of the cows’ diet must be grass and there must be 0.3 hectares per accessible cow. Food must be 100% French.

Within the network, we find cow farmsbut also in sheep and one with goats. The smallest farm in the network has 30 cows.

In the north of the department, the cheese and sheep network has no one. In ice cream, there is one, in Vay. In 2023, two new farms joined the network.

Jean-Michel Péard

The distinctive sign of network members is the display on the product, recognizable by the Invitation à la ferme logo. “Under the logo, there is the name of the farm. »

Joining the network means finally finding yourself four times a year to exchange together. “Our objective is to cover the territory so that the consumer can find their way around and be able to choose. »

Contact: invitationalaferme.fr

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