concerns around the SNCF des Hirondelles line, the railway jewel of Haut-Jura

concerns around the SNCF des Hirondelles line, the railway jewel of Haut-Jura
concerns around the SNCF des Hirondelles line, the railway jewel of Haut-Jura

What future for the Hirondelles line? Built in the 19th century, this railway line crosses the Jura from Andelot to Saint-Claude, crossing exceptional landscapes. Problem, for several months, stakeholders in the territory have been worried about its future and have been asking the regional council for a “refreshment” which has not come. Explanations.

It is one of the most beautiful railway lines in the country. If not the most beautiful, if we let our chauvinistic side speak. This is the “Hirondelles line”, a railway line which saw the light of day in the middle of the 19th century. For almost 200 years, it has crossed the Jura mountains for more than 120 km, between Andelot and Saint-Claude,

Once an essential element for local businesses to transport their raw materials, over time it had become the symbol of Jura green tourism. And for good reason, its route crisscrossing between plains and mountains, taking nearly 36 tunnels and 18 viaducts and stopping in numerous towns was the pride of the department. However, according to several local actors, the Hirondelles line is today greatly threatened.

If it continues like this, in ten years, even five years, it will no longer exist” says Jean-Louis Millet (DVD), mayor of the town of Saint-Claude. “The Hirondelles line needs a refresh. It’s been two, three years that I haven’t stopped warning about this. However, there has been almost no investment for three years“.


© © Michel_Faivre /

Money is where the problem lies. According to the Jura councilor and the local section of the National Federation of Transport User Associations (FNAUT), the historic line is seriously lacking in funding. For many years, “les Hirondelles” were in fact co-financed within the framework of a State-region plan contract. However, since 2021, it is the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, alone, which is responsible for maintenance.

It is since this change that things have deteriorated. There has been no regeneration of the lines since funding was no longer shared. As a result, today the infrastructure is aging and in poor condition.

Kevin Taboada,

president of FNAUT Arc Jurassien

How does the region respond? If we are to believe the discussions which took place on October 20, 2023, during a plenary assembly of the regional council largely devoted to mobility “a forecast envelope of 5.5 million euros is dedicated (at the Hirondelles line, Editor’s note) in the event of damage which would call into question the continuation of the line“.”We still haven’t seen the color” specifies Jean-Louis Millet, mayor of Saint-Claude.


The swallow line, between Andelot and Saint-Claude (route 878).

© Transportrail / DR

We must stop with these incessant criticisms against the region”e defends Michel Neugnot (PS), vice-president of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, particularly in charge of mobility. “Funding is planned. We will soon sign the new State-plan protocol. At that time, I will announce future investments. We did not launch a study on the Hirondelles line to abandon it“.

FNAUT awaits these announcements, and hopes they will be consequential. “The work to be carried out is general: on the rails, ballasts, sleepers. adds Kévin Taboada. Between Saint-Claude and Morbier, we have already reduced the speed. At FNAUT, we estimate them at around 100 million euros“. Feasible for the Region? Raised on this subject, Michel Neugnot did not wish to specify the amount of funding planned, nor the visions for the future that the Region has on the Hirondelles line.

We have a feeling of injustice. Ms. Dufay, president of the Regional Council, has committed not to close our line. But how can we believe it, when not a cent is planned for 2024? We would just like to be reassured.

Jean-Louis Millet,

mayor of Saint-Claude (Jura)

A cry of distress motivated by several reasons. “HAS Originally, this line was built to connect our businesses with the rest of the country” continues Jean-Louis Millet. “It has remained a formidable tool for opening up the Haut-Jura. Many students take it every week when they return to their families, we have many tourists who flock throughout the summer and who allow our restaurants, our businesses, our museums to live“. Sectors directly threatened by deterioration of the railway line.

The financial investment required is probably too big for the region” continues Kévin Taboada, from FNAUT. “But we must at least act, otherwise we risk being stuck in a vicious circle. If the speed drops, the number of trains will reduce, so people will turn to other means of transport. Attendance will in turn drop, ultimately leading to a closure of the line“.

A disaster scenario which could also penalize certain renowned educational establishments in Haut-Jura, such as the Victor-Bérard high school in Morez, known for its training in eyewear, which sees some of their students come via the Hirondelles line. “We are talking here about public service, we are talking here about green mobility. If abandon this line, the returned message will be very bad” concludes Jean-Louis Millet. “You just need to have the political will to take up the subject“.

These are attacks unworthy of political debate. We were already financing this line at 95%. Without Marie-Guite Dufay, it would have closed a long time ago. The political will is still there.

Michel Neugnot,

vice-president of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, particularly in charge of mobility

The ball is now in the Region’s court, which must reassure all stakeholders on the subject. And that’s good, Michel Neugnot assured France 3 Franche-Comté that he would go to Saint-Claude.before summer vacation” to respond and defuse any concerns.



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